All of us have a different story to tell. Some of us go through harder times than others, but there are ways to heal that pain, and to get us through our struggles. Depending on what’s occupying your mind the most, here are ways you can get “free” therapy without having to sit in an office and talk about your problems:
Whoever invented adult coloring books deserves an applause. Adult coloring books come in handy when someone needs a stress reliever. You can color outside the lines, stay focused in the detail that is within it, and forget about whatever is bothering you.
2. Walks on the Beach
The most relaxing thing in the world is seeing the waves along the shore and having sand in between your toes. It’s the perfect place to relax, and besides, we could all use a little vitamin sea.
3. Walk in the woods
Same concept about the beach applies to the woods. Sometimes we need to recognize how amazing God’s works are. Looking at the beauty of nature can help us forget about our problems.
4. Journal
Writing hurtful words, unspoken thoughts, or complaints can be so much healthier for you instead of saying them. Complaining will not solve our problems, but it definitely can lead us to solutions. It all depends on who’s listening.
5. Music
No matter what you are going through, there’s a song for it. There’s probably a thousand of them to help you through it, but the best way is to plug in your headphones, and forgot about the world for the three and a half minutes that the song gives you. Music will be there when everyone else is not.
6. Take a Nap
Sometimes if something is bothering us, we can feel the need to sleep it off. We don’t have to experience it if we are dreaming about happy things.
7. Smile and Laugh
There’s so many things in life to smile about. Yes, it’s hard when you are struggling or if you’re sad, but you won’t regret putting negativity to rest, ever. Also, it has been said that laughter is the best medicine.
8. Watch Movies
A great way to avoid the outside world and help yourself feel good is a good movie. Netflix will become your best friend and finding new shows can become a new hobby.
9. Work-out
Sometimes we need to let out some steam. By going to the gym or doing work-outs at home, it keeps your mind busy, while giving your body a nice treat. While “running away from our problems” is not the best solution, running for a while can give you a break from your mind.
10. Paint
A blank white canvas, with no instructions, no one telling you how you should paint it can be so relaxing. Some of the most beautiful work can be done when you let the paintbrush do the talking for you.
11. Puzzles
Puzzles can occupy your mind so much that you don’t have to think about anything else. During puzzles, you can be focused on finding all the pieces that fit in the puzzle, instead of finding the missing pieces that may missing from your life.
12. Mediation and Prayer
When we feel the world against us, God is always there for us. Prayer through the bible can answer a LOT of questions you may have. Don’t be afraid to over-use it, because as speaker, Mark Hart says “If you’re bible’s falling apart, you won’t be.”
13. Hanging out with friends
Friends have a way of being supportive and making you smile when others can’t. They are going to be there for the ups and downs in your life, and will be there to catch you when you fall. They will help you make happy memories to replace any broken ones.
14. Knitting
Knitting is a great way to be focused on something other than your worries. It improves concentration and makes you think a lot about the project itself, which helps your mind unravel (no pun intended).
15. Small Children
Holding a baby is a big stress reliever. You don’t realize how precious life is until you are holding one. Babies can fill a place in your heart you never knew was empty.
16. Become friends with a minister/clergy
They have more guidance than anyone you’ll meet. They can do whatever therapy can’t. I can promise you, it’s way cheaper too!
There are plenty more forms of free therapy out there, it's just a matter of finding the kind that works best for you!