Please note, this id just a list of ideas that may not work for everyone! Pick and choose based on your own life and how you deal with stress!
1. Pet an animal.
Studies have shown that petting an animal can help reduce blood pressure, releases relaxation hormones and reduces stress hormones. Some universities bring in animals during finals week. If yours doesn't, consider going to your local animal shelter!
2. Go for a walk.
Take a short walk to get some fresh air. Get the blood pumping. Have a change of scenery. Just get out of the room for a while before you come back and hit the books again.
3. Eat something.
Preferably something healthy. But some people forget to eat when they're stressed so it's important to have a snack in between study sessions. Eat an apple for an easily portable snack or a banana for a quick energy boost.
4. Make sure you're drinking (water, not alcohol).
I feel this is pretty self-explanatory. Drinking water can help boost your energy, stave off headaches and migraines, improve mood and flush out toxins.
5. Prioritize.
Make a plan based on what needs to get done first. Break everything down into small steps and go through them one by one. It can be really satisfying to cross things off that list and you'll feel so productive. (Be careful- looking at a giant list of all the things you need to go can be overwhelming so you might want to only focus on one thing at a time) .
6. Get together with a study group.
Working together with friends can help you all figure out what you need to know. Sharing information can also help you make sure you all got the proper information from your professor's lectures.
7. Take a hot shower.
Let the warm water release the tension in your muscles and take some time to relax.
8. Take a break for a dance party.
It can be 30 seconds or it can be thirty minutes but take some time to jump around and listen to your favorite songs.
9. Listen to your favorite songs.
This is the same principle as number nine. Put down the books. Leave the flashcards on the desk and scream the lyrics to your favorite song. Or, play it in the background while you work.
10. Get enough sleep.
Seriously, this is important. I've known plenty of people who put off sleeping so they could have more time to cram for exams and that's actually the worst thing you could do. Take the time to let your brain and your body rest and recharge before you burn yourself out.
11. Hug your friends or family.
Hugging helps you reconnect with the people that matter and can also reduce anxiety and stress and lower heart rate. Don't be afraid to ask your loved one's for a hug- they probably need one too!
12. Exercise.
If Elle Woods has taught me anything, it's that "exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!" So yes, take the time to exercise, release some stress and then get back to your work.
13. Make a schedule and plan out your work.
Plan your work. Work your plan. No, but seriously. Sit down, write out what you need to do and plan out when you're going to do it. Make sure to factor in downtime when you're not studying, time to eat and time to sleep. And- this is the crucial part- stick to your plan .
14. Set aside some "you" time.
Take a warm bath. Catch up on your favorite show. Read the next chapter of your book. Make yourself a nice meal. Bake cookies. Call your mom or dad or grandparents or siblings or best friend. You need the time to relax and release some of the studying stress.
15. Don't wait until the last minute to start studying.
Don't wait until the last minute. The farther in advance you start, the better off you'll be. You can do this. Just buckle down and get your work done (remembering to take care of yourself in the process).
16. Breathe.
Seriously. Stop and take a breath. Finals are stressful, yes. And they're important for your grades but they are not the end all be all. The world will not end if you forget that the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell on your bio final. You are more than the number on the top of your Scantron. You have worked hard and you are capable of succeeding. So stop, take a breath, and get back to studying.