Last night I just got back from an NF concert and I realized there are just some inevitable truths about Christian concerts. As a self-proclaimed Winter Jam Veteran (13 years in a row baby), Passion-goer, and having practically memorized Skillet's entire act (yes, including the things they say in between songs) for their Comatose tour, I thought it would be fun to share some truths about Christian concerts you've probably experienced as well.
1. You see people with Passion or 116 shirts at every turn.
2. You'll definitely run into someone you know.
3. You'll probably need to ask the Lord for forgiveness after remembering all of the people you pushed over for good seats.
4. "I saw them when they were the opening act of Winter Jam."
5. That one youth group who bought matching shirts and takes up an entire section.
6. You'll definitely see Tim Hawkin's different phases of hand raising:
7. Pro ad-libbing.
8. Trying to one up people on how many times you've seen Skillet or TobyMac.
9. Everyone dresses super hipster.
10. "We're going to take a love offering."
11. Testimonies.
12. You don't feel so bad because everyone else in the audience is awful dancers.
13. The faces of people who came for Tenth Avenue North but have to sit through RED or TFK beforehand.
14. Moms on Christian rappers: "I can't understand him when he talks so fast. Are you sure this music is appropriate?"
15. Girls in the audience will swoon over Colton Dixon and Joel and Luke from For King & Country.
16. It's lit and everyone goes crazy for some awesome Jesus music.
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