I'll never be able to understand how Harry Styles can go from looking like an ethereal Greek god to your friendly neighbor who bakes red velvet cupcakes on the weekends in .0002 seconds, but it's equal parts unsettling and beautiful. These are just some of the things that make me love him even more.
1. He isn't afraid of an attractive man.
2. When his jokes just get too much.
3. How he goes along with this joke about his song "Two Ghosts."
4. When even iHeartRadio couldn't handle his album cover.
5. When he literally did THAT.
6. When he inspired a young boy to paint his nails.
7. His ability to find literally any camera anywhere.
8. The fact that he uses the trademark emoji on his texts to James Corden.
9. How he still looks attractive chewing a mouthful of food.
10. He shakes hands with literally every person in the room.
11. He's just so precious.
12. OK, but how do you fall asleep while actually swimming?
13. When he insulted Chelsea Handler with only one word.
14. This witty comment.
15. When he mocked a fan.
16. But most importantly, when he defended his fans to this reporter.
Basically, Harry Styles is the kindest noodle in the world and needs to be protected at all costs.