16 Truths About Being A Public Health Major | The Odyssey Online
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16 Truths About Being A Public Health Major

Health is basically your life.

16 Truths About Being A Public Health Major
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Public health is a major that is new and emerging. Compared to medicine, public health is more concerned with the health of populations rather than the health of individuals. In addition, public health focuses on preventing diseases or injuries before they actually happen where as medicine is involved in the direct treatment of the unhealthy.

As a public health major, I constantly view everything around me as a health hazard and am always trying to find a solution for the various health problems that I encounter in my community. Public health is a broad discipline, which can make it overwhelming at times but also rewarding because of the fact that it can help many people. If you are a public health major like me, you can relate to what it is like to be a part of the solution to the many health problems that are surrounding us, as well as how health impacts your life every day.

1.First of all, you get asked all the time what public health is and how it differs from medicine

Public health is more broad than getting sick and being treated.

2.People are often confused about the field of public health, which gives you the perfect opportunity to talk about how much you love public health

3.People also ask you what kind of job you want to get into with your degree, but the truth is, the possibilities are endless because public health is a growing field

4. Whenever there is a big health issue in the news like a food poisoning outbreak, you automatically are interested and wonder how it is being handled from a public health perspective

You also know that health issues like these can spread, which makes you even more paranoid.

5. Similarly, everything is a public health hazard to you, whether it is drinking a soda or smoking a cigarette, because you know just how bad these health behaviors can be and how they can impact your health

People probably judge you for this but you don't care because you are healthier than they are by taking preventative measures.

6.You also think about prevention of these health behaviors from the perspective of a river, which is the only analogy that makes sense to you

Downstream, Upstream and Midstream are part of your vocabulary.

7. After taking some public health classes, you immediately recognize that there is more to healthcare than just being sick and getting treated, which can be confusing at times

8. If you do not know the answer to why someone is disadvantaged in their healthcare, the answer is probably socioeconomic status because it is an important part of public health

9. You have tried to educate others about pressing health issues around the world, but they are not as interested as you are

This makes you sad when you can't talk about how much you love health with your friends who do not like health as much as you do.

10. And when you learn about diseases from the past and present, you cannot contain your enthusiasm

These epidemics are interesting to you and not gross.

11. Your dream is probably to travel around the world and solve the health problems in less developed counties, even though you know that it will take more than just you to solve them

Solving the world's health problems is a serious goal for you.

12. You also secretly wonder what would happen if an epidemic broke out in your community and what the CDC would do if it happened

If there ever was a widespread disease, you know it would be a major public health issue rather than an issue of medicine.

13. You spend your time forming opinions on health issues so you can properly educate others and also inform them as to why they are wrong

14. Finding documentaries and books about major health topics excites you more than the books or media you watch for fun

Health is the only thing that you are really interested in reading about.

15.You are also constantly debating whether or not to go into the field of epidemiology because you have a love/ hate relationship with statistics

16. Finally, you wonder what it would be like if you were a Pre-med major, but then you remember how much you love promoting health for the population, making public health the right fit for you

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