16 Times The Pioneer Woman And Her Husband Were Relationship Goals | The Odyssey Online
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16 Times The Pioneer Woman And Her Husband Were Relationship Goals

They've got me all heart-eye emoji.

16 Times The Pioneer Woman And Her Husband Were Relationship Goals

Ree Drummond, AKA The Pioneer Woman, is a Food Network star, and after watching one show you're starving and wishing you were living her perfect country life. She describes herself as an "accidental country girl" because she married into the ranching and farm life. She's active on Facebook and Instagram, where she posts pictures of her dreamy life - and relationship with her dreamy husband. Here's a few times that Ree and Ladd Drummond were #RelationshipGoals:

1. Let's start with the two poems The Pioneer Woman wrote in tribute to her husband on his 38th birthday back in 2007:

With lines like "When I first saw your starched shirt, I knew that it was fate," and "He’s a steel ax chopping through my heart, with each smoldering glance. He slays me daily."

2. The account of the first time The Pioneer Woman, culinary genius, first cooked for her future husband, and ended up cooking him a meal he hated (and he ate it anyway):

"Post Script: Impromptu Interview With Marlboro Man
Date: Yesterday
Place: The Pioneer Living Room
Pioneer Woman: Honey, in ten words or less, what do you remember about the first meal I cooked for you?
Marlboro Man: I really hated it. But I really liked you."

3. This quote on account of how strong he is:

"Sometimes when I watch Marlboro Man in action, I feel a combination of exhilaration and terror. I mean, if he wanted to—if he really, really wanted to—he could snap me in two like a carrot."

4. The reason why she has so few pictures of his face:

"I hardly ever get photos of Marlboro Man’s head. For one, I’m usually too busy taking photos of his Wrangler-clad buttocks."

5. When she posted this picture with the following multiple choice caption:

"What is Marlboro Man thinking?

a) “We need to paint that fence.”
b) “I don’t want my picture taken.”
c) “Wow, it’s a beautiful morning.”
d) “Didn’t we just paint that fence last year?”
e) I really don’t care what Marlboro Man is thinking because I can’t stop staring at that vein on his forearm."

6. The time he successfully pranked her with a rubber snake.

"Say your husband—who purportedly loves and cares about your psychological well-being—says, gently, “Hey, honey…did my pillow fall down there?” And you look, immediately see the snake, scream bloody murder, and convulse and dive over to the other side of the bed. And as you try to calm yourself down after realizing the snake isn’t real, implementing breathing techniques and talking yourself down from a wicked episode of tachycardia, your husband—again, who purportedly loves and cares about your psychological well-being—can’t even see through the tears of laughter in his eyes. Say, in fact, that you don’t remember your husband ever laughing quite that uncontrollably."

7. When she shared that this picture of him was her phone background:

And said "I may keep it this way forever."

8. This picture of them dancing and looking at each other like the most in love people ever:

9. When they wore matching Christmas pajamas:

10. This adorable selfie:

And the caption: "Smoochie Selfie. Actually, we'd been dancing to "Love Shack" and were really sweaty, so I guess I should call it Sweaty Smoochie Selfie. Weddings are fun for an old married couple like us!"

11. When she said this on their 20th anniversary (and the fact that they've been married for over 20 years):

"Exactly twenty years ago, we were dancing at our reception to John Michael Montgomery singing "I Swear." I will always love that song, but especially the line that goes "...and though I'll make mistakes, I'll never break your heart." After two decades, four children, a few pounds (ha), and a few ups and downs, I'm thankful tonight that we have kept that promise to each other."

12. Their candid game:

And the explanation: "We try to pose for a pic. It starts out promising. Then one of us pokes a rib. Then the other squeezes a waist. Then we start arm wrestling, and well...this is as good as our tree pajama pic is going to get this year!"

And more matching Christmas pjs!

13. This pop-quiz:

Pop Quiz! What is my husband doing in these photos?
a. Zapping a villain with his super powers
b. Conducting the New York Philharmonic orchestra
c. Describing to me the area of the ranch and the gates I need to drive through to meet him later
d. It doesn't matter because look at those arms

14. The time they were on a roadtrip and she was looking at the donuts at the QuikTrip and he was already in line buying one for her.

15. Literally just how obsessed she is with how he looks in Wranglers.

For example, this haiku:

The cowboy works hard
And causes my heart to skip;
His Wranglers I love.

and these pictures on her blog:

With the caption: "And for that, I am eternally grateful."

16. And finally, the fact that their love story is so great she actually wrote an entire book about it.

They've got me all heart-eye emoji.

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