ABC's sitcom "The Middle" is a hilarious show about a family trying to survive life in Indiana. Frankie and Mike are the parents who tend to forget just about everything about their kids, from sporting events to birthdays. Axl, the oldest son and star athlete, walks around the house (typically with no clothes) making fun of everything possible. The youngest son, Brick, does just about nothing but read. And then there is Sue Heck. Everything possible that can go wrong for someone goes wrong for her. She is awkward and scared but still the most optimistic person in the world. And as I watch the show, all I can think is how much Sue Heck, is like me...
1. Whenever I try to dance...
Awkward. She's awkward. I'm awkward. Trying to dance is awkward.
2. When my hair does NOT cooperate...
Really, is it so much to ask for it to just look good for once!?
3. While watching Netflix...
Every time I watch "Grey's Anatomy," the confusion hits. I have no idea what medical jargon they're screaming out. But you keep watching anyway!
4. When I get good grades...Next time you're really happy, do the Sue Heck happy dance. It'll make you feel even better!
5. When I try to be graceful...
Like Sue, Grace and Elegance are my middle names. I cannot even count the number of scars and bruises that resulted from incidents just like this.
6. When I go out with my friends...
Designated third wheel.
7. When I try to be athletic...
It's an excuse to be embarrassing. I like it.
8. When I try to give people hugs...
Not everyone really considers themselves "huggers." Be that as it may, I try anyways!
9. When I am drowning in school work...
Especially at this point in the semester, the Sue Heck swim is just about the only way to stay afloat.
10. When life won't let me just be a little kid...
Instead, I am just reminded that I have to be a real grown up now.
11. When people ask how I'm doing...
If collapsing on the floor, unable to get up means that I am fine, then yeah, I guess I am fine!
12. When I smile too much...
I'm not trying to scare people. I am just trying to be friendly, I swear!
13. When I go on long car rides...
'Cause what's a car ride without singing and dancing!?
14. When I move back to college...
15. And then I get to decorate my new room...
16. And every time I want to give up...
But then I think of Sue Heck and realize that if she can survive all of the crazy, wild, completely out of the box incidents, then I can do anything! She is awkward and weird, but she is also an inspiration. I'm glad I can say that I am a lot like her!