And we love that as college students
When the professor tries to start the first class with ice breakers
When the professor skips syllabus day and goes straight into teaching
How you look going to 9AM lecture at 9:47AM
You 4 days into the semester
"cELL pHoNe UsE iS nOt PeRMiTtEd iN cLaSs"
Everyone the first week of classes
When lecture is cancelled but you're already awake
You 5 slides into lecture
When the professor says you have to dedicate a lot of time and effort into class but you finessed the homework 20 minutes before lecture
When your professor attempts to take attendance in a 200 person lecture hall
What your clock sees at 11:52PM when you remember you had an assignment due at 11:59PM
How you pull up looking like at 8AM lectures
When your professor starts telling the class their life story
When you're trying to eat at the dining hall but the table next to you won't stop smacking on their food
You in bed contemplating whether or not your lecture is really worth it
When it's 4:52AM and the fire alarm goes off in your dorm hall
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