Nothing brings me more joy than watching my dogs play and have fun all day long. They are the reason why I look forward to coming home from school, and why I get sad when I have to leave. Webster, Tucker and Ginger mean the absolute world to me, and although they cannot go to college, I always make sure to have a stockpile of pictures of them to bring with me everywhere I go. As I went through all of the photos that I have of them, I found so many that were beyond hilarious and their expressions were incredibly relatable. My dogs totally understand the struggles that I face on a daily basis, and I can guarantee that my pups understand yours too.
1. Midterms got me like
Maybe if I hug my stuffed animals tight enough, all of my problems will go away.
2. When you professor says to pass up that assignment ... that you didn't know about
What packet? There was a packet?
3. When the waiter brings your dinner to the table

Let's be real; if you hold any kind of food in front of my face, I will definitely look like this.
4. Sitting in class talking about Christopher Columbus for the hundredth time
We get it. He wasn't a great guy. Can we move on now?
5. Group projects
Winter is coming.
6. Every time I hear the words "free sample"
Yes, I want a sample. Yes, I will be swinging back around a few times before I check out.
7. Waiting for people to take their laundry out of the machines at school
I have things to do, people to see, toys — I mean, clothes — to wash, so take your stuff out.
8. When someone makes a silly joke about you, but you take it personally
Suddenly I am questioning everything.
9. Getting caught doing something that you are not supposed to be doing
You see nothing here. Keep moving along.
10. After someone gives me a compliment
You just made my day. You are now my favorite person.
11. When I'm hangry
Either get me food or leave me alone. Approach at your own risk.
12. At the doctor's office
So scared.
13. When I think about that embarrassing thing that I did last week
I'm too awkward for my own good.
14. Being forced to dress up for a special occasion
Seriously? This is not OK.
15. Every time someone asks if I want to go to Sephora
Do you even need to ask me?
16. When you finally make it to summer
Excuse me while I sleep for the next four months.