Going to school for the first day of your very last semester is a bittersweet feeling. The blood, sweat and tears you've put into earning your degree are finally feeling like it has all been worth it. You will never, ever have to show up to a first day of school again (unless you're heading to grad school or plan on becoming a teacher), and it's a strange thing to realize. In the process of this realization, there are a few thoughts that may or may not pop into your head.
1. "I really am not ready to wake up. I'm too old for this."
2. "Do I really even care what I wear today? Nope."
3. "This is the last time I ever have to meet new teachers…I better make a good impression with my outifit. Nope, definitely still wearing yoga pants."
4. "I only have to fight for a parking spot for four more months. I can do this."
5. "Why do freshmen still wear lanyards? They’re never going to be cool."
6. "Has this building always been here?"
7. "Is it time for happy hour yet?"
8. "Aw, look how cute the lost freshmen are—I should probably help."
9. "Maybe I should drop my 3:00 p.m. class, the book is way too expensive."
10. "What’s it going to be like to never have homework again? I bet it's amazing."
11. "Wait, what am I doing with my life?"
12. "I only have four months to find a job...dear God."
13. "I'm not prepared to graduate. I don’t even know how to balance a checkbook.
14. "Wait, this is supposed to be the best semester ever. I need to live up my last four months of college!"
15. "I got this."
16. "But I think I'm already ready for a nap."
Whether we want to admit it or not, our time in college is quickly coming to a close. This last semester will no doubt be a rollercoaster of emotions, but knowing that we are that much closer to being full-fledged, functioning members of society (and no longer "just" college kids) is an absolutely amazing feeling.