Horns honking, cars breaking, and feet barely pressing the gas pedal before stopping. These are the sounds of patience thinning with frustration, the sounds of traffic. Here are some typical traffic scenarios and what you may be thinking while the chaos ensues.
1. When the drive down a busy road starts smooth and quick…
Thought: Wow I feel so fast and free! If I am lucky it will stay this way!
It is always such a happy moment when cruising down the road, almost calming even. For this reason, slowing down would just be an annoyance.
2. But then you hit the wall of “stop-and-go” traffic.
Thought: Well, guess I spoke too soon. Here we go... again.
Once a slow down starts you are practically doomed. It's time to plan a strategy on how you can move through it the fastest.
3. When you get stuck behind that extra slow person.
Thought: Why me? Maybe they will speed up...or maybe not. I have to find a way to pass this person ASAP.
And the whole time, in the back of your mind you keep track of how far ahead you would be if it weren't for this certain roadblock.
4. And you develop a deep distaste for that specific car.
Thought: Oh come on green Volvo, get your act together! Man I am starting to really get irritated by you.
All you really know about this person in front of you is the car they drive. If they finally move, happiness grows inside and if you ever get a chance to pass them you may make it a little more obvious than need be.
5. But passing them is impossible because the car in the other lane is moving the exact same sloth pace.
Thought: Is there has to be some way to get around these people, are they seriously moving the same? Yep, mirror images.
Once the decision to pass the car is finally made, you are so ready to get out of there. The fact that this action now can’t be done is aggravating beyond belief.
6. And being behind those cars cause you to hit the red light while you watch them go through the yellow.
Thought: Of course… if I was in front of them I would not be sitting here waiting.
As terrible as it is that those cars got through and you didn’t, you most likely won’t have to deal with them anymore.
7. When you move over to the “fast” lane and it ends up being the slowest option.
Thought: Isn’t there supposed to be a reason this is called the fast lane? Obviously, that means nothing.
How sad that you can’t even hop into the fast lane and begin to zoom off. Moving slow in the fast lane is just ridiculous.
8. And, of course, it was moving the fastest until you changed into it.
Thought: Finally moved over now it has stopped. Oh wait, the lane I just left now happens to be moving quickly. My bad...
After this happens, there might be a feeling of regret. Really, it is just some twisted game of chance if you are in the lane that moves the fastest (barely).
9. When the boredom sets in and the music just is not amusing anymore.
Thought: I have probably listened to this song about three times now. I am so done…
At this point, you may even be trying to keep your eyes open and on the road. You are absolutely filled with boredom and trying to figure out ways to entertain yourself.
10. And after realizing, you have been spacing out for quite some time.
Thought: Whoa, how long have I been driving? I did not even notice anything, how have I not crashed by now?!
After the realization that you have been spacing out while on the road, you might just feel grateful to be alive. When did driving become such an automatic action in our minds?
11. When you are running late while at a standstill.
Thought: Can’t we just move already? I need to get to work on time and I am so very close!
This is probably the most stressful part of a commute. While you are sitting there, all of the terrible traffic moments of the day flash into your mind and you think about how you could have been there by now.
12. And ETA is your number one competition.
Thought: So my GPS says I will be to work two minutes late...we will see about that!
When ETA (Estimated Time Arrival) is your worst enemy, every added minute to your destination feels like defeat. However, if you beat it even by a minute it feels like victory.
13. When you are excited to get off work, but sad about the drive home.
Thought: Yay! Work is finished time to relax and have fun! Except, I have to make it home first. Grrrr…
Finishing a day of work should be an amazing feeling, and it is - until you sit in the car for more than 20 minutes.
14. And the additional minutes seem agonizing.
Thought: Home awaits…the time is passing so slowly, has it really only been 5 minutes?
Time does fly when you are having fun, but when you are by yourself in a stopped car…time practically stops too.
15. When in the end, you make it to your destination without remembering many specifics of your traffic struggle.
Thought: I am almost there…what did the car do that made me mad earlier?
It is hard to remember all the details about that grudge you had on the other car. You just know something happened that did not go as planned.
16. But you will rejoice a little bit when finally getting out of the car.
Now you can celebrate on the inside and out, by doing anything except slow driving.