My mom used to tell me when I was younger that one day my sisters will become some of my best friends and I didn’t think this would be true. Now looking back on that statement, I couldn’t agree more. The endless amount of laughs that we share daily, the millions of silly pictures we take, and the timeless adventures that we go on have shown me that two of my best friends are my sisters.
Here are some of the things that all sisters know all too well:
1. When to leave you alone
2. When not to leave you alone
3. Why you are still afraid of certain things
4. The epic temper tantrums you can throw at any moment
5. Exactly what songs can make you cry
6. What you look like first thing in the morning
7. How much time it actually takes you to get ready
8. That you can eat three servings of dinner on a normal day
9. That you still watch kids movies
10. How hard you can try to be the “cool” sister
11. What your AIM screen name was in middle school
12. Every friend you have ever had
13. Exactly how many clothes are in your closet
14. Exactly how many clothes they can borrow until you will notice
15. What your favorite foods are
16. How much ice cream you actually eat every night
Thanks for dealing with me and for truly being my best friends.