We all have had one of those classes (or all of them) where sometimes it's just gets really hard to stay focused the entire time. These are just a few of the things that bobble around in our heads when sometimes listening to how to solve math problems for an hour just gets to be a little too much to handle.
1. I’m hungry… what am I going to eat later?
I know I'm always thinking about food even when I'm not very hungry.
2. Do I have time for a nap when I get home?
And I start thinking about the next time I'll get to sleep starting the second I wake up in the morning.
3. What am I doing tonight? What should I wear?
Picking out an outfit can be hard...sometimes I need to plan hours in advance.
4. Do I need to shower? How many days has it been again?
Sometimes showering is just doing a lot.
5. Wait, what did the teacher just say?
Every once in a while, I come back into focus...
6. Oh crap…when is that due?
Wait...We had homework for today?
7. Do I really need to be here right now?
But that doesn't last very long
8. If I finish my homework in 30 mins I might have time for a quick power nap
I will go to great lengths for a few precious minutes of sleep.
9. That guy is so cute how have I never noticed him before?
And sometimes my eyes wander during class and someone else holds my attention...
10. I wonder what all of my classmates do for fun
When the lecture gets boring, it's always fun to let the imagine run wild.
11. Maybe I should start paying more attention.
*Pays attention for 5 minutes*
12. Screw it. I’m taking a nap when I get home.
Back to thinking about sleep and avoiding other responsibilities...
13. I decided I want a grilled cheese.
Still thinking about food...
14. I don’t need to shower I’ll do it tomorrow.
Still putting off showering...
15. Okay, I really need to focus I have no idea what my teacher is saying right now.
Once I realize we have no idea what was just said in the past 30 minutes, I try to get back on task again.
16. Maybe this is why I didn’t do so hot on the midterm…
Math was never really my strong suit...