If you study abroad, wherever it might be, it's going to be one of the most exciting, fun, and draining (yes, draining) experiences in your life. At some point, culture shock, or just the fact that you're not going to see anyone you really know for four months, is going to hit you, and you're going to think about all the American things you miss. Here're sixteen things (besides the obvious ones) that I miss while studying abroad in London.
1. 24 Hour Anything
Everything closes at 8PM here. It's actually awful when you desperately need a grocery store.
2. Drive Thrus
Don't underestimate the power of a 3 AM Big Mac that you don't even have to get out of your car for.
3. Free Bathrooms in Public Places
Charging for bathrooms is unAmerican.
4. Being Able to Watch Pretty Much Any Video You Click on
5. Superstores
Don't even get me started on how much I miss those free samples.
6. American Prices
Everything here is so expensive.
7. Good Cable
Do you like Real Houswives of Cheshire and Jeremy Kyle (the British Jerry Springer)? No? Then don't turn on the TV for four months.
8. Going to the Movies
If you're studying in a non-english speaking country, it's downright impossible to go see a movie while you're away.
9. Your Clothes
You can't pack it all.
10. Ice in Drinks
It takes so much to get used to warm drinks.
11. Free Refills on Drinks
Self-explanatory...and awful.
12. Electrical Outlets
And that voltage difference means you need a converter as well as an adaptor.
13. American Holidays
You actually have class on Thanksgiving. It's so strange not to hear people talk about it even.
14. Air Conditioning
In the first few weeks, it was so hot, and there's no AC in old buildings, which means you were probably drowning in sweat.
15. Drinking Fountains
Free water is what makes America great.
16. Standard Time Telling
Can we all agree 24 hour time is useless?