I have some things to say and let me just save you the trouble of saying, "It's a free country and I can have my own political opinions" and counter you by saying that I can too. This is my own political opinion that I haven't voiced quite yet because I was in denial that Donald Trump was a real candidate. I wasn't even sure that he was a real person, to be honest. Anyway back to my opinion... if he were elected president Donald Trump would be the worst thing that ever happened to America. I know, that is a big claim. There have been some very bad things that have happened to us. But I stand by my opinion that this one would be the worst. So here are some things I've been wanting to say to you all:
1. Donald Trump is an a**hole
Seriously. He is not in any way likable simply because he is too mean. He makes fun of the disabled, women and anyone that isn't him really.
2. He is not your savior
He will not make America great again. If he were president he would tear America to pieces. He isn't here to save or protect you, unless you are a white male.
3. He would not help our economy
"But he is a business man and he made a fortune for himself." Well, guess what running a country's economy is a little different than running a business that he owns and pays people to run for him.
4. He might actually kill us all
This may sound like a stretch but I'm being serious. What do you think will happen when he has his first sit down conversation with another world leader? Because I think he will immediately offend them by calling them a pig or something. Calling people names is what he is currently most famous for. We will get bombed.
5. He is racist as hell
Speaking of calling people names... he is so offensive in every way. He says America doesn't have time for political correctness but he takes that way too far. You want to deport everyone and take "your" country back? Well it isn't your country, we are a melting pot and a place of freedom.
6. He judges women on their appearances
Females make up a huge part of our population so openly judging them on how they look and not supporting them isn't a great idea. Somehow it's working.
7. He is not a politician
People are saying this like it is a good thing. Like "Well he isn't a politician so that's why I'm voting for him." But he has zero experience working in the government so why would we immediately put him in the highest government position out there?
8. He is too immature to handle this job
If your go-to response in a presidential debate is to compare the size of your penis to the other candidates, maybe you shouldn't lead a country. And if you say that if your daughter wasn't your daughter than you would date her, maybe you shouldn't lead a country. You also might want to get some professional help...
9. He is an attention wh*re
He only started this campaign to gain attention for himself and the more people talk about him, the more confident he gets. And confidence isn't something that he necessarily lacks.
10. If he were a "Game of Thrones" character he would be Joffrey
If you watch GoT, you'll understand this. Joffrey is a rich spoiled brat that thinks he is entitled to anything he wants and doesn't really care about what anyone else wants. Sound familiar?
11. He makes fun of the poor
Poverty and homelessness are huge problems in the U.S. that we don't like to talk about a lot. Electing a president who is not sympathetic to these people in need is not in the best interest of America. Making the rich richer is not "making America great again".
12. He makes fun of other people's wives
Attacking another mans wife for her appearances is uncalled for, even if it is your strongest opponent in a race. Keep the debates on the real issues that we are voting on and not on how hot your trophy wife is compared to another mans.
13. He cowers in the face of strong women
Megan Kelly is a strong woman that has challenged Donald Trump in the past debates so much that he resorted to accusing her of being on her period. She asked him real questions that he was too scared to answer and then he threatened to not participate in the next debate that she was moderating. How brave. What a strong leader.
14. He identifies too much with Hitler
He wants to build a wall to keep other races and ethnicities out. He wants all Muslims to wear badges on their clothing for identification... sound familiar? He like white people... okay he likes white males and females. But only if the females are conventionally attractive.
15. He is (almost) singlehandedly ruining the Republican party
Up until he announced his candidacy he was pretty neutral when it involved which party he stood with. He had openly supported Hillary Clinton for years before this election. Then he all of the sudden was the republican party front runner. In this process he has made the GOP turn on each other and is continuing to make the GOP look like a joke.
With all of the points I have made, I just have this last thing to say... this is a real election. This is not a practical joke to make with your fraternity brothers. If you are voting for him because you think he is funny or honest then please do your research and take your vote seriously. I cannot stress enough to think about your vote before you give it away.