There are so many things I wish to say as a big sister to my little sister to help acclimate her to the real world. However, I'll just stick to sixteen.
1. Don't Underestimate Yourself
There are so many things that you are capable of. Don't let anything or anyone hold you back from your potential to be great!
2. Be True To You
Don't ever lose sight of who you are in this crazy thing called life. Stay true to who you are, what you stand for, and what you believe in. There are people out there who will tell you so many different things, hold true to your truths however and you will be fine.
3. It Is Okay To Grow Up
It is okay to grow up kiddo. It is natural. We can't be children forever. I know this one is a hard one, because who wants to grow up and do adult things, and being the little sister, you never had too because I was always around and you were "the baby", but it's completely okay to grow up into the wonderful young woman I know you are going to be.
4. Don't Stress Too Much
When I was your age, I stressed myself out way too much (I still stress too much, but we're not talking about me). Remember that it is okay to relax sometimes. Do not put too much pressure on that Chemistry test or that English paper, you're smart, you'll get it done. Stress can take a serious toll on your body and brain... Trust me! Take this seriously!
5. Procrastinating Will Hurt
Leaving everything until the last minute is one of a teenager's most commonly used tricks. I know but try your hardest not too. It will pile up and then you will be trying to do too much at one time. (Hint: this will stress you out breaking #4) Get a planner and use it so you don't put everything off.
6. Take Lots of Pictures
Make sure you go to lots of events and hang out with your friends. While you are doing these crazy awesome things, take lots of pictures! You will want these memories to look back on. Pictures are the best way to commemorate your awesome life!
7. Boys Are Not A Necessity
Don't get too hung up on trying to find a guy right now. Take these years to figure out who you want to be and what kind of guy fits into your lifestyle. You deserve nothing but the best and you probably won't find him in high school. Do not get hung up on not having a boyfriend in high school. Mr. Right will come along exactly when he is supposed to, so don't stress it.
8. Crying Is Okay
Do not ever be afraid to cry. Crying does not show any signs of weakness. Let your feelings out, let your emotions flow freely. It is healthy to let your emotions out. Sometimes you just need a good cry and you will feel 100% better.
9. Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
Do something crazy every once in a while. How will you ever know if you will like or dislike something if you never try it. Get off the comfy couch and try out something new.
10. Stay Informed
Educate yourself with what is going on in today's society. Watch the news (or at least read the news on your phone) and stay updated on the world's issues and politics and etc. It is important to know what it going on.
11. I Am Your #1 Fan
I may not agree with everything you do, but I will always be there to support you. I fully believe that you have the ability to be whatever you want to be, a doctor, a model, a trash woman, whatever you name it, you can do it, and I will be behind you always.
12. Not All Friends Are Forever
You will make lots of friends, however not all of them will be good for you nor will they be with you forever. Friendships drift apart and that's completely okay. You will find a group of people that will stick with you forever and they will be the best people you have ever met! Just don't fret if you lose a couple friends on the way.
13. Family Is Just A Phone Call Away
Just because we don't all live together doesn't mean we aren't there for you. Call anytime and I'll be there.
14. Be Nice
Just being nice in the world can get you very far in life. Just saying a simple "Thank you!" or "Have a nice day!" can really make someone's day and you will feel better knowing you have been kind to someone.
15. Never Give Up
Your dreams are just as important as anyone else's and you can make them happen. Never give up on your dreams and make sure you follow through on everything you want/need to happen to make them come true!
16. I Am Always Here
I was awarded the honor to call myself your big sister. Your happiness and success mean the world to me and all I want is to see you succeed. I will be there for you for anything. I will do anything I can do to make sure everything you want in life comes to you as long as you work for it! I see amazing things in your future if you work hard and follow your heart and mind.
Love you bunches kiddo!