The season of thanksgiving may be over, but that doesn't mean the spirit of thankfulness needs to go away. We should be thankful each day, because nothing in this life is guaranteed, and whether we have a little or a lot, it is important that we don't forget to cherish and appreciate it all. Here are 16 things that I am thankful for this year:
1. Jesus
What is saying thanks without thanking the man upstairs who blessed us with the life and freedom we so often forget to cherish? I am always grateful to Jesus, not just because he lived by faith and died to give all of us grace and everlasting life, but because he is my best friend, my rock, my true ride or die. Through the ups and downs of this roller coaster ride we call life, he is the one constant and for that I am forever grateful. Words are not enough for me express my gratefulness, but I hope that I am able to show at-least one tenth of my gratitude.
2. Family
Family is a beautiful thing. You're going to meet a lot of people in life, but your family are the only people that truly have your back. You can always go back to your family for love, support and delicious home-cooking. My family is literally made up a collection of people who I am convinced make it their pastime hobby to annoy me, but oddly enough if they weren't there I wouldn't know what to do. I am thankful for their love, annoyance and general unlimited banter. Without family, what are you really?
3. A Roof Over My Head
This is a basic thing that we often forget to say thank you for. Not to go all "there are starving children in third world countries who don't have a roof over their heads" on ya'll, but there are starving children in third world countries without this basic necessity, and we should be grateful for the fact that we are blessed with it. We aren't better than those people, nor are we more lucky, it's just unfortunately the way life pans out and we should be thankful for this blessing, no matter how minute it seems.
4. Smoothies
Yum. Need I say more?
5. Heaters
I am always cold, like constantly. I have this odd desire to always always be overly, disgustingly warm. I have tried and tested it, and I can proudly stand before you all to say that I am not about that being cold life. I have this unproven theory that my need for heat is due to my tropical Nigerian blood (I am still working out this kinks to this theory). My aversion towards the cold is the reason why I am especially thankful for heaters this season. It is officially winter and for someone with an uncontrollable frigophobia, as you can imagine, my heater as been my best friend.
6. Breaks from school
No matter how short it is, it is still nice not to have to worry about deadlines and wake up for 8ams for a while. Plus, the food at home is infinitely better than the food in the dining hall. FACT.
7. Food
I love food. My love for food has grown tremendously since I've been in college. I know, I know, gluttony is a sin, but you go 3 months with the only decent nourishment around are fries and you tell me if you don't develop an obsession for any good food you can shove into your mouth.
8. Michelle Obama
9. Turtlenecks
Say it with me now: "The turtleneck is everything. The turtleneck should be respected. The turtleneck should be loved. The turtleneck is an unarguable essential." That is all.
10. College
I am so thankful for my education. This is one the things that I cherish the most in my life and honestly, I cannot wait for the day when I am going to glide across that big stage in order to receive my diploma. #H2PITT
11. Laughter
Laughing is literally one of the most purest forms to express joy. It's good for your health, and it's so freeing to just laugh, it sincerely always makes me feel better to laugh it off. Seriously, if you're feeling down in the dumps, just try and think of something that made you laugh one time and your mood should lift quite a bit.
12. The Single Life
#NoBaeZoneandProud #KindOf
13. Grey's Anatomy
This one goes out to the all the persons, the Mcdreamy's and the Mcsteam'ys of the world. God bless you Shonda Rhimes for introducing these jaw-droppingly gorgeous characters and your pain inducing, agonizing story lines to the world.
14. Good lightning
Essentials, essentials, essentials. What is any bomb selfie without good lightning to accompany it?
15. For the good times and bad times
Through the ups and downs of life, the fact that I am able to wake up each morning and I have the opportunity to make each good day more amazing than any bad day, is a true blessing.
16. Life
I thank God for blessing me with life. I thank God for the air that I breathe, that I am able to see, walk, talk and just simply live. I honestly believe that no matter how bad it gets, if you're still alive and kicking that is everything you need in order to achieve everything you want to achieve. For each day I am alive to take a breath, I will forever be grateful to the Almighty.