Living with other people is stressful. You did it your entire life with your family and didn't have much of a choice living with them. When you do get a choice and choose your best friends, or people that become your best friends, it is one of the greatest things. Living with your best friends is like having a sleepover every night.
1. Pants are optional.
As are most articles of clothing: No bra, no pants, no problem.
2. Decorating is a party.
We need more posters and canvases. There is no such thing as too many. And the holidays are coming up too, we need pumpkins everywhere.
3. No words are needed.
You just find each other's eyes and can have a complete conversation.
4. Honesty is always the best quality.
We would rather hurt each other's feelings by being honest than lie and hurt them even more.
5. Sharing is caring.
Everything is up for grabs. Make-up, hair products, clothes and pretty much anything under our roof.
6. Movies nights are every night...and day.
And there is a nine out of ten chance that The Heat is playing and if you don't like it then you can leave.
7. Cuddling.
Crawling into your roommate's bed with or without them is something that just sometimes needs to be done.
8. That "Where are you?" text.
I am on my way home and I don't know why you didn't just track me because I know you do.
9. No judgment.
And if there is, we tell you straight up.
10. Always encouraging each other.
You can finish that paper AND go out tonight, I believe in you.
11. Being/having that shoulder to lean on.
Because after a long hard day, they know when you need to just vent and hug it out.
12. They know when to leave you alone.
And they also know when you need to relax and unwind by yourself.
13. Taking turns being the mom.
Because we can't ALL be responsible ALL the time.
14. They just get you.
You never have to explain yourself to them.
15. Keeping Up With The Kardashians is ALWAYS on.
And yea, we all know who we are from the show because that show is life.
16. You can't wait to come home to them.
That is where you feel safe and where you can be yourself with people that you love.
Living with your best friends is something I wouldn't trade for the world. Always having that place to call home and the people you call home is something people search forever to find.