When family ends up all under one roof it always ends up being a party. Each family gathering includes lots of food, laughs, and fun. No matter how different or far apart a family is, when they all join together again it's always an experience. Here are 16 things that happen at every family gathering.
1. You're surrounded by dysfunction
2. You and your fav cousin are attached at the hip for the day
3. Pictures are a must
4. It's super loud
5. Unless you're all stuffing your faces
6. You're always surrounded by lots of delicious food
7. And you still sit at the kid's table even though you're in your 20's
8. You're always asked the same old questions about school and life in general
9. Sometimes even multiple times in one day
10. There are many topics of discussion and sports and politics are usually included
11. The phone gets passed around to talk to that relative who couldn't make it
12. And you and your cousins do your best to dodge the phone call
13. You often receive a collection of gifts that are owed to you for some previous of holiday
14. Something hilarious is bound to happen
15. Goodbyes take way longer than they should
16. And you always end up going home in a food coma
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