1. Constantly being told "you'll find someone one day!"
2. That awkward feeling you get when your friend and her boyfriend are spooning right next to you.
3. Hearing "I'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend, you're so pretty, I'd expect you to have one" line one way too many times.
4. Third wheeling, fifth wheeling, and seventh wheeling have just become a way of life for you.
5. Getting slightly annoyed whenever you see really cute couples Instagram photos together.
6. Always being the designated photographer for your friends and their boyfriends.
7. Having to repeatedly explain to people that you actually like being single.
8. When your friends are always trying to set you up with their boyfriend's friends.
9. Getting used to plans failing because "Josh is sick and needs my help" or "Well him and I made plans like five minutes ago, so now I HAVE to go."
10. Getting pumped when your single friends want to go out.
11. Most of your friends come to you for relationship advice even though you’re the single one.
12. Getting overly to excited whenever “Single Ladies" by Beyonce comes on because low key you know that’s your anthem and girl.
13. Dreading going home for the holidays because you get the “so no boyfriend this year?” speech from your relatives.
14. Always being the last one to go home for the night because your friends had already left 3 hours earlier to go and be with their boyfriends for the night.
15. Your friends in relationships are always so excited to hear about your dates and single life.
16. Having to listen to the same problems your friends were having with their boyfriends last week over a bottle of wine... again.
Hey, no shame in our single game ladies, besides who needs a man when there's wine and endless Netflix shows to be watched?