Perfection is overrated. Here's a list of 15 things you should strive to be, instead of striving to be "perfect."
1. Strong
I want to handle all of life's toughest battles. I want to conquer all my problems and not run away from them. It's okay to be sad for a little while but it shouldn't consume you.
2. Hardworking
I want to work hard because you can't get anywhere without hard work. Doing nothing in life will not benefit you whatsoever. Being a hard worker means that I will constantly be bettering myself, which will ultimately pay off in the long run.
3. Independent
I want to work through things on my own and be able to rely on myself. I don't want to have to be dependent on anyone. In the end, the only person you have is yourself.
4. Intuitive
I want to listen to others, but be able to trust myself. Being intuitive is very hard to come by in this day and age. Having this quality means being true to myself and what I believe in.
5. Happy
"I like to smile, smiling's my favorite!" Happiness is a strength that many people do not possess. No matter what, true happiness is my forever goal in life.
6. Loyal
Not only do I want to be there for my loved ones, but I AM there for my loved ones. I am always there for love and support whenever anyone needs it. Loyalty is very hard to find nowadays because people are so caught up in themselves.
7. Responsible
I want to take charge in my own life and take care of what I need to. I want to be responsible for my own thoughts and actions. I am responsible for my own life and my own life's choices; no one else.
8. Creative
I want to be the one who's known for thinking outside of the box. Creativity is a gift and you can either be born with it or not possess it at all. It shows that I am more than just another face. I can offer the world my new ideas, my opinions, my methods, and my imagination.
9. Fearless
Taylor Swift said it best when she said, "Being fearless isn't being 100% not fearful, it's being terrified but you jump anyways." People seem to be scared all the time and as a result, they don't follow through with the things they want to do. I am bold and brave to brace the world. I want to take on the world.
10. Witty
I want to make others laugh because there's no better feeling. Seeing people smile and laugh because of me, means the world to me.
11. Educated
I want to know how the world and everything in it really works. I have a desire to further my intelligence through my education. It will help me in the long run and I know my knowledge is a force to be reckoned with.
12. Giving
I want to give to others, in hopes they will give to someone else. You can give anything to others from gifts to love. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true. It takes a small act of giving to make a difference in this world.
13. Optimistic
I want to see the good in everything. Life is too short to focus on the negative. Negativity becomes toxic to myself and my surroundings.
14. Confident
Sometimes we mistake confidence for selfishness. I want to have confidence in myself, my values/morals, and my opinions. I believe in myself too much to doubt anything. Someone once said, "Confidence is not 'Will they like me?' Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't.'" Having confidence in myself means I don't care what others think of me. It only matters what I think about myself.
15. Loving
I want to love even when love can't be found. I want to be selfless because everyone needs a little extra love sometimes.