1. Impatience:
I have discovered that millennials tend to be too impatient at times. We want things as soon as we spot them, and we often forget work and time is involved in order to get those things we want. We get too worked up waiting on things we expect to appear, making us oblivious to the things we already have. Be patient in 2017, remember that good success comes from time and hard work. Not all careers happen overnight.
2. The Romanticizing of Relationships in Social Media:
Some impatient people also tend to want and beg for a relationship, and this is all due to social media. Couples post pictures and tweets just for the attention of having retweets. This then makes single people yearn a relationship because everyone talks about the perfect couple on social media. Ladies, just because you don't have a man does not mean you are not capable of being in a relationship. Your Prince Charming just has not met you yet. Gentlemen, not having a girlfriend does not make you any less of a man. Both of you need to grow individually in order to be in a relationship! Don't jump into a situation just because social media pressures you too, have faith in time.
3. Social Media:
Our generation sadly focuses way too much on social media, which is mentally destroying us. Don't get me wrong, social networks are a good source to stay connected with the world but we need to stop using it for the negative reasons. We focus too much on the opinions of others, therefore forgetting the approval of our own mind. Never forget who you are, don't let the pressure of social norms destroy you and your way of thinking.
4. Technology:
With the power of social media, comes technology. Stop using your phone so much! If you have a date or outing with friends, leave our phone behind. You do not need your phone to record the night, be more self-aware. Go outside! Have an adventure, taste fresh air... You'll feel so much better after you have a break from your phone. Spend time with those who you love, do not forget about them.
5. Only Seeing The World Through a Camera:
Leaving your phone behind, means to stop taking pictures and videos of everything. People often forget to live in the moment and immediately grab their phone to form the right angle. Don't focus so much on taking the best picture for Instagram so your friends and ex's can be jealous, just live.
6. Caring Too Much:
I often dramatize way too many situations that can easily be avoided. People our age care too much about others and that leaves us heartbroken. We care to much to the point where we let them walk all over us and we forget to take care of ourselves. Remember that you are your #1 priority, in 2017 put yourself first before others.
7. Focusing On The Past and Not The Present:
Our generation tends to focus too much on the past and forget to live in the present. Do not get so worked up over situations that have already been stored away, don't reopen closed doors. They have been closed for a reason, by opening them you are just opening a wave of stress all over again. Move on in 2017, it's about time.
8. Being Scared to Try New Things:
Take risks in 2017! Try new products, new sports, new haircuts, new styles, new food, new whatever! Do not be afraid to be something different you are not used to. Be carefree!
9. Procrastinating:
Our generation is known for being extremely lazy, well it's time to prove other generations wrong! We have strength and the desire to be successful, we all have those characteristics inside of us. Let your soul be free, work hard! Do not put things off, stay organized. Remember, hard work pays off!
10. Insecurities:
Yes we all have our insecurities, whether that is with our physical appearance or specific talents. 2017 is the year of loving ourselves. Ladies- do not be afraid to wear no make up! Although, if you view make up as a form of art like I do, own your talent! Ignore those who hate on your creativity and freedom to express yourself. Fellas- I have seen a lot of broken hearted males on social media that emphasize the fact that they are so cold hearted due to an ex who broke their heart… please do not romanticize this- it is not a good thing. Let go of the insecurities an ex has caused, because that will only end up tearing you apart. Also Ladies, guys deserve to be spoiled too!
11. Racism & Homophobia:
2016 was the year where millennials fought back. We have made sure our voices would be heard, and that we would let nothing stop anyone from having equal rights. Yet, there are still some people in our generation who want nothing to do with fighting back due to them having different opinions. It’s now 2017, decades after the civil rights movement…we will not let history repeat itself. Do not be closed-minded in 2017… love is love and love triumphs hate.
12. Stop Having Walls:
I have seen several posts on social media where our generation for some reason loves to flaunt the idea of having walls and being so cold-hearted. We get it, you have been hurt before… but that does not mean you should hurt those who still love you. Not everyone is out to hurt you in this world, how are you suppose to meet your soulmate if you cannot open up your heart? Be more trusting of others, you will receive such a positive reaction if you do.
13. Toxic People:
Millennials tend to hold on to those who constantly hurt and abuse us. Why should we continue to let this happen? If they are causing you pain and unnecessary stress, you have to let them go. You do not need them, holding on will only continue to burn you.
14. Regret:
We always regret the chances we did not take. Therefore, our generation needs to start taking advantage of every opportunity available to us. You never know unless you try!
15. Judging and Making Fun of Everything:
Twitter is no doubt the social center where millennials go to write their opinions about certain topics or situations. I often see more posts making fun of the situation rather than a serious opinion on the matter. We need to stop being immature and take everything as a joke, older generations are afraid of our future because all we do is laugh about everything. Don’t get me wrong, I do love how we find the light and laughter in certain events, but there comes a time where we need to be serious because there are people who are actually hurting from those events. Do research on how you can help instead of looking up a joke you can post in order to get some retweets.
16. Negativity:
Last but certainly not least, we need to leave negativity behind. We are all often bringing ourselves and others down, which is causing nothing but drama in our lives. You need to focus on the positivity in order to live a happy life. Toxicity is contagious, do no be around it. Let negativity go in 2016, and you may have a superior state of mind.
Overall, I am more than proud of how together the millennials have come this year. Here's to many more laughs, love, peace, and opportunities. Happy New Year!