I think about past events in my life and wish I could go back in time and tell myself just a couple words of advice. Since I can name a handful of these instances already, I'm assuming I'll continue to want to go back in time. I'll just ramble off some things I should've kept in mind five years ago, today, and probably tomorrow.
1. Speak up.
When something bothers you, say something. You'll regret staying quiet when it happens again and will just get worse and worse until you finally find the balls to speak up. Whether you, a friend, or a stranger are being treated poorly open your mouth and keep people in check.
2. You look good girl, don't worry.
I can promise you that one imperfection you're stressing over won't be noticed by anyone else. Pimple, hair part, bloating, bags under your eyes, whatever else, isn't worth worrying about just have fun and be confident. Literally no one notices these things expect you.
3. Smile.
At strangers, acquaintances, and friends. Even if you're dead tired, everyone loves receiving a contagious smile.
4. It's OK.
You'll always find a way to get a second chance, just try your best and if things don't go as planned, relax and keep moving forward.
5. Be yourself.
Never tone down your personality and weirdness around anyone.
5. Treat yourself right.
Whether it's a shot, brownie, or Netflix; indulge. Just don't go too crazy often, you know you'll get a tummy ache.
6. Don't stress too much over grades.
Getting a bad test score doesn't mean you're stupid, don't lose confidence.
6. Get going.
Get up, make your bed, shower and get your day started even when all you want to do is nap and watch Netflix. Get things done and out of the way early in the day so you don't have to stay up late doing work.
7. Slow down.
I'm sick and tired of feeling like the past three months went by as fast as a couple weeks. Time isn't real, especially in college.
8. Don't overthink.
Don't let a little incident turn into something it's not. I promise it's probably not as bad as you think if at all.
9. Please and thank you.
Remember these two little words and use them whenever you can when speaking to friends, family, and especially the people that serving you.
10. Compliment.
When you like someone's hair, shirt, skill, etc., tell them! Some people don't hear these things enough, don't let that happen.
11. It's just in your head.
When you walk into class a little late don't worry about everyone starring, people naturally look in the direction of movement in a still class it has nothing to do with you.
12. Keep in touch.
Call old friends and family when you can, don't let people slip out of your life.
13. Tragic nights out.
You know what? Congrats on making everyone's snap story that time you blacked out, don't be embarrassed just live and have fun.
13. Study.
If you have a test Monday, stay in and study. Two years from now you wont care about the party you missed but you will care about your cumulative GPA.
14. Try new things.
Just do it. It's never too late to try new things. Sports, intramurals, clubs, join anything and everything to try it out. Don't worry about failing, you see something that seems fun just join.
15. Don't give up.
Try everything you can to make things work before giving anything up. Sticking with things that challenge you will will feel so rewarding in the end plus you'll probably regret quitting for a long, long time.
16. More hugs, less stress.
Good luck!