Change up your style (if you want to)
I know it is sort of cliché. But, with a new year, you could be a new you. Try a style that you have been afraid to try. Dye your hair a color that you’ve always wanted to dye it. Try out that fun look that you have always wanted to do!
Challenge yourself
Don’t be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You should do something that you have always wanted to do but have been afraid to do. Try hard recipes. Try a yoga class. Try a challenging class that interests you.
Traveling can be hard to achieve if you are low on funds but you should try to at least have one trip with your friends this year. One of my favorite things to do is take road trips. It is super fun and a great way to relieve stress that has built over the semester. The destination doesn’t have to be fancy to be fun. You could just drive to a nearby town and explore.
Do something kind
You don’t have to spend lots of money to be kind. You could help an old lady to her car with her groceries. Or donate clothing to a non-profit organization. Volunteer your time at your local animal shelter. There is so much you could do to be kind and it could cost you little to nothing. You never know, you might just change someone’s life.
Make something
Logging on to Pinterest will give you plenty of ideas for DIYs. You could do so much and even make a profit off what you make! There are plenty of things that you could make even if you aren’t crafty.
Have a movie marathon
Take a day to watch the movies that you have been meaning to watch. Watch alone or with friends. Stockpile on snacks, popcorn, and pizza!
Make lists
Make a list of goals that you want to complete throughout the year and check them off as you go. You’ll feel more productive as you check off each item.
Cook dinner for your parents (or someone else that you love)
Show your appreciation for your parents (or someone else) by taking the time a cooking a nice meal for them made by you.
Document your year
You could take pictures and keep an album. Or you could keep a journal of all of your endeavors this year. Or both!
Save money for something special and buy it
My goal this year is to buy myself a new computer. I have always wanted an iMac and I hope I can save up this year and buy one. But you could save up and buy something that you have always wanted and you could treat yourself. Maybe you could save for a plane ticket to somewhere that you have always wanted to go to.
Become more organized
No time is better than the present than to begin organizing things in your life and making things more simple for yourself. You could go little by little and organize over time. I found that this works best for me. I tried organizing many things at once and I found myself overwhelmed. But you should take your time!
Eliminate clutter in your life
It doesn’t necessarily mean physical clutter. It could mean toxic people in your life. You should start separating yourself from these kinds of people. Surround yourself with positivity and you will, in turn, be a more positive person.
If you are like me, you have tons of books that you have meant to read but never can get around to reading them. This year, do your best to read those books that you have always meant to read.
Break bad habits
Don’t cling on to bad habits in the new year. Do your best to stop the bad habit.
Make new friends
Here is another cliché. But it doesn’t hurt to make new friends.
Find out what makes you happy and go with it
Make it your mission this year to pursue your own happiness. Find out what makes you happy and run with it. Do what you love and you will love what you do.