The time has finally come where I move on from one life and start another. Until now, it didn't feel real. I still expected to walk the halls with you and devour food on my bed while talking about our daily struggles. The bitter truth is I'm not going back to high school, I am moving forward without you. However, That doesn't mean that I forgot about you. Quite the opposite, actually. I have thought about you a lot and I hope your senior year will live up to your expectations. So, I compiled a list of things that I learned a little to late. These were things I could only learn from experience, but wish somebody warned me about before my senior year started. It is too late for me, but it isn't for you. Here are the things I want you to know:
1. Don't waste your time counting down
Delete that countdown app. What I didn't understand is that time will pass, regardless of if I am counting down or not. Unlike me, I don't want you to channel your energy into something that is inevitable. Instead of doing what I did, why don't you spend your time building stronger friendships and embracing all the opportunities right in front of you?
2. Step outside of your comfort zone
Don't let your fears prevent you from trying something new. High school is all about trying new things. Don't leave high school with any regrets and push yourself to try something new one last time.
3. Spend more time with your teachers
These are the people that helped mold you into the student you are today. Your teachers have so much more than just a homework assignment to hand out, they have a life of experience and a genuine interest in your future. Go to their office hours, ask for their help, and try to talk about something other than the chapter in your textbook that didn't make any sense.
4. Don't let anyone stand in the way of your wants and desires
Whether it is a significant other, or a selfish friend, don't let them be the reason you aren't achieving all that you are capable of. If they truly care about you they will want you to succeed, so try and do just that. If they complain about your success, cut them out of your life. You don't need that negativity.5. Be responsible
I know of so many people who made some irresponsible decisions and paid the price for it. I am not telling you to be a buzzkill, but don't have too much fun. Be responsible and consider all possible outcomes before jumping into a risky situation.6. Make some memories
While being responsible is fun and all, we are young. Make some memories, do something crazy... But, again, not too crazy.
7. It's not all about school
Grades are important, extra curricular activities are important, college is important. But so is your sanity. Work hard and give your classes all you have to offer. However, don't forget to sleep, eat, and spend time with your friends.
8. Go to your senior prom
I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. I didn't go to my senior prom because someone convinced me it was pointless and didn't mean anything. It was just about spending a whole bunch of money to take some pictures. Sadly, they robbed me of a once in a lifetime experience. I don't want someone to steal that from you. Prom is more than getting dressed up and taking photos. Prom is another opportunity to create lasting memories with friendships that won't live forever.
9. Don't spend your time stressing about college apps
I realize it is hard to believe me right now, but college is not everything. You did all you could do these past three years to ensure you will get into college. Honestly, there is really nothing you can do to change your transcript or resume right now. It is out of your control, so don't stress about it. Apply to your dream schools, but apply to some safety schools, too. Who knows, maybe your safety school will turn into your dream school.
10. Wear those sweatpants to class
11. Eat that pizza and ice cream
Everything is good in moderation. Don't tell yourself you can't eat something because it might make you fat (newsflash: one meal cannot make you fat). If you are craving it, go for it. You won't have this metabolism forever, so why not take advantage of it now?
12. Give back to your school
Start the healthy habit of giving back. Do something small, like thank you letters; or something grand, like community service. Find a way to give back to the school that has sacrificed so much for you.
13. Make friends with the underclassmen
14. Be happy
Avoid spending your time feeling bitter, sad, or aggravated. It is okay to feel that way sometimes, but don't let those feelings dominate your entire year. Find some things that make you happy and remove the negativity from your life.
15. I will always be here for you
Know that you are never alone. I may be a plane ride away, but I always have my phone in my pocket. Nothing about our friendship has changed, other than the distance. If you need anyone/anything, call me.
16. I am proud of you
I understand how hard you worked to reach this point in your life. I had the pleasure of being your friend and witnessing you grow at the same time. Regardless of where you go to college, or what you decide to do in your life, there will always be at least one person who is proud of you: me.