When watching the winter olympics, every young boy and girl looks at their t.v screen to see figure skaters. And of course they want to try it too. Who wouldn’t? Figure skating is fun, exciting and of course the best sport out there. Here are a few things only figure skaters would understand.
1. Fresh Ice.
Who didn’t love sliding across freshly cut ice, as if you were a penguin? Not to mention how great it felt skating on it as well.
2. Improv
When a song comes on in the rink and you pretend it is yours and come up with elaborate moves and a whole routine for it. Also, one of the best summer camp activities.
3. The season never ends.
You literally never leave the rink. While their friends are all on vacations, most figure skaters spend their summers in a figure skating camp.
4. Trying to play off a fall.
Especially during a competition. Yes, of course that was meant to happen! Not!
5. Zuca Bags.
They were essential for all young figure skaters, they held everything from your skates to extra bobby pins and hair ties. They come in much cooler designs now then when I was using one though.
6. Bruises.
You had bruises everywhere. Where do they come from? You usually have no idea. And they never go away!
7. Glitter!
Seriously the more you sparkled the better you felt. The car, your room, and the rink was covered in glitter. We even had the ever famous glitter hairspray.
8. Skate Parents.
I have no idea why they went with “Dance Moms” over skating parents. Sure, they mean the best, but they have more rivalry with each other than their children do with their competitors.
9. Dresses/ Unitards.
The outfits were tight, itchy, and altogether uncomfortable, but hey you felt beautiful right?
10. Trying to imitate your idols.
The amount of pain I caused myself from trying to imitate one of Johnny Weir’s knee slides, or Michelle Kwan’s perfect spiral is unimaginable.
11. Love/ Hate relationship with your coaches.
Yes, they will push you to your limits and beyond. Yes, they will make you feel like you can do nothing right. Yes, you will cry once in awhile. But, they do it out of love. They will make you not only a better skater, but also a better person.
12. Breaking in New Skates.
Besides the excruciating pain your feet go through in this process your skating becomes harder and you fall a lot more.
13. Always getting right back up.
No matter how bad the fall was, you are expected to get right back up and keep going. While this was taught to me on the ice, it is very helpful for life as well.
14. Blisters on your fingers.
Your fingers are constantly blistered from tying your skates properly. Laces are not as soft as they look.
15. Ugly Feet.
You feet spent most of their time crammed inside a skate, causing all kinds of blisters, bunions, and scarring.
16. Skating friends are forever.
Being a figure skater has introduced me to so many amazing people that I can count on for life, and I couldn’t be more thankful.