Field hockey may not be the most talked about sport, but there are some things that all of the players just understand.
1. Your bruises are your prized possessions and you will take any opportunity to show them off.
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They are visible proof that you were giving your full effort.
2. You have nightmares about the words, "Get on the line, we're doing sprints."
Honestly this one doesn't need an explanation.
3. If you have long hair you have definitely worn it in a braided ponytail at least once.
Because for some reason this seems to be the style for us field hockey players.
4. You have had to deal with people asking you, “So it's like ice hockey on a field right?”
No. Just no.
5. Or "Why do you wear skirts?"
Like please stop now.
6. And then you have to explain that it's called a kilt.
This is common knowledge, you uneducated fool.
7. People don't want to come to your games because they don't understand the rules.
You can't help but agree because the rules seem to change every year.
8. You go from looking like an athlete to a serial killer when you go to do defensive corners
Safety comes before beauty sometimes.
9. There is nothing you hate more than playing on a grass field.
Okay maybe the grass fields don't look quite like this. But this is how it usually feels.
10. There is always that one girl who's drive is so hard that everyone else is secretly afraid to defend it during practice.
However on game day you want her to hit it as hard as she possibly can.
11. Braiding your hair on game day is a necessity.
Who said you can't play a sport and look great doing it.
12. You have an impressive collection of sports bras and black spandex.
This is because it's honestly all you ever wear.
13. Getting a new stick is the most exciting thing that can happen.
You will show it off to everyone and they will probably get pretty excited about it too. And possibly a bit jealous.
14. You inevitably have a great butt.
And it's no wonder because your entire sport is one long squat.
15. When you come back for the first day of school, while everyone else has nicely tanned legs, you are rocking the shin guard tan line.
Once preseason comes around you can say goodbye to your tan you worked so hard to get all summer.