It's come to the point in the semester where I wish I could be writing letters to Santa asking for all kinds of toys for Christmas instead of studying. Or can I...? In all seriousness, everyone knows that finals can put quite a damper on a college student's holiday spirit. In the spirit of Christmas (and procrastinating studying), here is the ultimate college student Christmas list, created by yours truly.
1. A 4.0 GPA
There comes a point when having four exams, two papers, and a project due all within seven days can be a little overwhelming...2. Sleep
College is the time where all-nighters become all too real. Can't we have a break?
3. Money in my bank account
How I manage to spend so much money so quickly? You tell me, Santa.
4. Real food
Cafeteria food can get real old, real fast. And even if you live on your own, making meals ever day can be even more annoying. So what sounds better than a home cooked meal?
5. More Sleep
Just let me lay in bed for 72 hours straight, binge watching netflix, and sleeping.
6. No questions from family members at Christmas dinner
Nothing gets more irritating than hearing "Oh honey how's college? Are your classes going well? Have you met any boys?" Yes, Grandma. College is fine, my classes are hard, and no, I certainly have not met any boys.
7. Free coffee forever
All in favor of Starbucks starting a college student rewards program say I!
8. The perfect boyfriend
Just looking for someone to make snow angels, go ice skating, eat a whole roll of tollhouse cookie dough and snuggle with. Is that too much to ask?
9. No responsibilities
Nothing sounds better than being a second grader again where my biggest responsibility was trying to figure out how to do addition and subtraction.
10. A killer resume
What could possibly be better than having all the credentials for your dream job all laid out on paper?
11. A shower that doesn't smell like feet
Community bathrooms can be gross, but having your own bathroom can sometimes be even more gross. I just want to be able to shower without having to wear flip-flops all the time.
12. A six pack (but not having to work out to get one)
Come on Santa, pull through and just let me have a really fast metabolism so I can eat ungodly amounts of Christmas cookies and not gain any weight
13. Dogs
Honestly nothing will ever be more cute than a dog.
14. More sleep
Dare I say more?
15. Someone to do my laundry
Mom, please help. I don't want to adult any longer.
16. First pick on classes
Nothing says Merry Christmas more than no 8am classes.
17. A medical school acceptance letter
Because undergrad is only just the beginning..