OH!! ... IO!!
Did you just chant that in your head? Then you passed the test.
Here's a list of a few more things that will ring true if you're from the Buckeye State.
1. You hate that state up north.
Muck Fichigan. Any sight of blue and yellow makes you scowl.
2. You probably live within 30 minutes of a college.
Or two... or three.
3. You know how to spell weird places like Cuyahoga, Wapakoneta.
You also know what letter is doubled in Cincinnati.
4. You think a highway without construction is weird.
You expect to see orange cones everywhere you go. Because, well, they've been working on I-75 since I was born, and probably won't be done until I have a kid.
5. You switch from heat to AC in one day.
It is completely normal to change from your winter jacket to some shorts and a t-shirt in less than 24 hours.
6. You firmly believe that chili tastes best when poured over spaghetti.
Whenever you're feeling good and hungry, it's Skyline time.
7. You have to travel to see your favorite band.
Because well, they won't be coming to Ohio.
8. You go to two amusement parks a summer.
Cedar Point and Kings Island.
9. You have an "Ohio accent."
Also, if you're from Ohio you'll deny this until you're blue in the face.
10. You know what "pop" is.
It's pop, not soda. 'Nuff said.
11. When you hear "Miami" you don't think of Florida.
Try more like Oxford, OH.
12. You're a huge sports fan.
The Cavs, The Reds, The Buckeyes, The Browns, too many teams, too many choices, why not root for them all?
13. You probably have family that lives in Indiana, Michigan or Kentucky.
14. Entertainment is simple.
Mall, movies, drinking or eating.
15. You know that the only way to spell Ohio is with your arms.
16. You absolutely love your state.
There is no other place you'd rather be from!