Thanksgiving is usually the time where people jump somewhere, whether it be the dinner table or their Instagram page, to tell everyone what they're thankful for. While I love that there is a holiday specifically aimed at being grateful for the people and things we have, that thankfulness doesn't (and shouldn't) stop at Thanksgiving. Here are a few things we can all be thankful for even though the holiday has come to an end.
1. One Direction's new album is out.
And it is fire.
2. The new season of American Horror Story is getting good.
Even without Jessica Lange, this season is still creeping me out and keeping me hooked.
3. You probably still have Thanksgiving leftovers in your fridge.
Don't eat the turkey though, I hear it's only good for three days. The pumpkin pie however is always an option.
4. Soon we'll be able to hide our exes postson Facebook.
I thought we could already do that, but apparently I was wrong. Soon you'll never have to worry about scrolling angrily through your exes spring break photos ever again.
5. All the awkward family dinners are over.
Because I know we were all sick of our aunts asking us about our non-existent relationships and mediocre GPA's.
6. And the semester is almost over too!
Yeah, final's week is no fun. But final's week is the home stretch to the end of another chapter of the college life.
7. Donald Trump is probably not going to be our new President.
I did say probably, so you'd better not let me down America.
8. They invented wine for cats.
So you never have to drink alone again.
9. Christmas is almost here.
I love giving gifts, as do a lot of people, and people like receiving gifts, so it's a win-win.
10. It's actually appropriate to play Christmas music now.
As mentioned above, Christmas is almost here (a month away to be exact). This means I no longer want to punch people in the throat when I hear Christmas tunes. Tis the season to not get on people's nerves.
11. It's time to break out all the cute winter outfits.
Because fashion is always something to be thankful for.
12. Kanye West is running for President in 2020.
Do with that information what you will.
13. Bieber Fever is back.
Which means I have another reason to make fun of people. The Biebs has always been a source of hilarity to me, so this new wave of hype that just makes my heart happy.
14. Gas prices are super low.
At least in Indiana they are. Less than $2 a gallon? I can hang with that.
15. You have someone in your life who is there for you.
Not everyone has a huge family, but I'm sure everyone reading this article has at least one person who is like family to them. Let that person know they are special to you every day.
16. You got to celebrate a great holiday with great people.
Thanksgiving may be over, but it was fun while it lasted. Great food, great family and friends, and a great break away from the usual duties of life? Sounds pretty nice to me.
Everyone celebrates Thanksgiving differently and it means something different to everyone. Whether you have a really close family, or just some really awesome friends. Whether you cook a huge three course meal or you go out to Waffle House. Whether you travel or stay at home. Everyone has something that they are thankful for on Thanksgiving. It's great to use the holiday to appreciate all of those people and things, but it's also great to remember what you are thankful for on all of the other 364 days of the year. No matter what day it is, be forever thankful.