16 Struggles of Every College Student
1. It's Ramen for dinner...or I starve. - People swear that you can make these taste great but I find it hard to believe.
2. The search for free stuff is real. Shirts, food, stickers, etc. - If it's free, it's for me.
3. Having an 8:00 a.m. class after Thirsty Thursday. - Early morning classes aren't the way to go if you plan on having any sort of social life at all.
4. Running on very little sleep. - Who even knows what it feels like to be well rested anymore?
5. All-nighters. - When the professor tells you not to wait until the last minute to begin the essay but you're always up for the challenge.
6. Debating on being productive or squeezing in a power nap. - Choose the nap every single time. Get sleep whenever you can!
7. Trying to dress up sweatpants. - You can't be a bum all of the time.
8. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, social life, and home life. - It's impossible.
9. Binge watching Netflix instead of taking care of actual responsibilities. - Why do homework when you can watch every single episode of Scandal, ever created?
10. Having to deal with anything that involves the financial aid office. - RIP Dreams/Aspirations.
11. Trying to get in contact with your adviser. - L O L
12. When your school's team loses and your friends from the opposing school won't give you a break.- When you go to rival schools, life can get pretty tough.
13. Parking. Literally parking.
14. Trying to get a study room during finals week. - Just stay in your room.
15. Finding the time to do laundry. - Wearing every single stitch of clothing I own until there's absolutely nothing left.
16. Facing your family at family gatherings, during breaks, and have them ask you a million questions about school or your love life. - No I don't want to talk about my grades. No I don't have a new boyfriend. No I don't talk to my old one. No I don't care about how well your son is doing in school. No, you're wrong; C's do get degrees.
17. Swiping your debit card and praying the transaction goes through. - Help me Lord.