1. "You must go to the beach everyday."
I promise we don't go as much as you'd think. Floridians still have jobs and obligations just like everyone else.
2. "Are you a Gator or Seminole fan?"
I simply respond with "Roll Tide" every time. Oh, and Go Jags!
3. "I bet you go to Disney World all the time."
Contrary to this very popular belief most Floridians do not have annual passes to Disney World and not all of us live in Orlando.
4. "Aren't you supposed to be tan?"
Pale skinned people are allowed to live in Florida just like everyone else. We don't discriminate.
5. "Isn't there a bunch of old people in Florida?"
Florida is known as the retirement state but there are also many families with young children and young adults. It's not just retired people.
6. "I bet Christmas in Florida sucks."
Why? Just because we don't have a foot of snow? Christmas on the beach is pretty cool.
7. "Y'all don't have a winter."
It may not be -20 but Florida still has a winter and it still gets cold.
8. "Since it's the Sunshine State isn't it always sunny?"
Floridians' favorite irony. It rains. A lot. It can be completely sunny, not a cloud in the sky, then all of a sudden it pours.
9. "I heard it's really humid."
Yes. Just yes.
10. "Has there ever been an alligator in your yard?"
Florida does have a lot of alligators and I've personally never seen one outside of the zoo but I know a ton of people who have. But no, I've never found one in my yard.
11. "Have you ever seen dolphins?"
Yes, I've seen a lot of dolphins. While they are very pretty, they're also very annoying.
12. "Do you live near Miami?"
I don't know why people only seem to know Miami and Orlando, but Florida has a lot more to it.
13. "You must eat a lot of seafood."
Personally, I love seafood but I know a TON of people who live in Florida and hate it. Also, I'm sure I eat it more often than others but it is not all I eat.
14. Yes we grow oranges.
The Florida license plate features a bright round fruit that everyone seems to get hung up on. Florida has many orange farms, but that's not all of the state.
15. "Do you work on the beach?"
A lot of people who live close to the beach do, especially in tourist season, but not everyone lives by the beach.
16. "Do you live near someone famous?"
Yes a lot of famous, rich people buy beach houses but usually near other famous, rich people.
Throughout my freshman year I heard a lot of stereotypes about being from Florida, and I'm sure I'll hear a lot more, but I wouldn't trade being a lazy beach bum for anything.
Mallory Peterson