1. When you finally finish your exams.
Exams felt like they would never end, but they finally have! You give your best friend a celebratory high five and maybe cry a little because you definitely didn't study hard enough, but oh well, they're finally done.
2. When you start packing.
You're headed somewhere warm and your spring break is so close you can almost taste the 3$ margaritas. Then, you remember your closet is full of winter clothes, and you have no clue what to bring.
3. When you finally arrive.
Exams are over, you crammed everything you owned into your suitcase so you'd be prepared no matter what the weather brings, and you're totally feeling yourself. Let the fun begin.
4. When you meet new people.
You walk inside your home for the next few days and see a new face. Maybe your friend brought along someone from home, but you almost always end up meeting new people over spring break. Since you are totally feeling yourself, you want to offer up your best impression.
5. When you get settled and realize there's no wifi.
You go to pull up your Spotify, and wait... WHAT? These people who have been generous enough to let you rent out their living space when they know exactly what kinds of activities you and your friends will be partaking in over spring break didn't give you the wifi password?
6. When you improvise and get the party started.
Whether you're lacking an unlimited data plan or a loud enough speaker, there are plenty of ways to improvise. Nothing can keep you from having the perfect spring break.
7. When you finally get to the bars.
Of course, the first thing you do is buy your friends a round of drinks. Your feeling good with the stress of school or work behind you, and you just want your friends to know how much you love them.
8. When you wake up the next morning.
The first night of spring break may have been a little wilder than you imagined, and you have the hangover to prove it.
9. When that one friend is already downing mimosas for breakfast.
Still recovering from the night before, you can't tell if its the smell of cheap champagne sickening you or the unwavering jealousy you have for that friend who doesn't seem to be affected by hangovers.
10. When you're ready to join your friends.
You've powered through the headaches and nausea, and now you're ready to go back to having fun. Maybe some beach volleyball or soccer... then someone takes a ball to the face because someone always ends up getting hurt over spring break.
11. When you decide to try relaxing.
So maybe someone got hurt doing physical activities or you're just tired from too much beach volleyball. You decide it's time to relax and enjoy the change in scenery. I wish you the best of hotdogs and beach naps.
12. When you're ready to get wild again.
You've relaxed enough, but your friends are all napping off intense spike ball tournaments and those mixed drinks you gave them to hydrate. You're not a quitter, you'll get them up and partying in no time.
13. When you finally get everyone on your level.
Everyone is awake and ready to go, and you're all so happy that you dance like fools into the night, which proceeds to happen the rest of the nights of spring break as well.
14. When you've reached the dreaded last day.
You've being going through all of the glorious motions of spring break for a few days now. Tomorrow you have to return to 30 pounds of textbook and hours of class so naturally, you want to make the day count, and all of your friends are on board.
15. When your spring break ends.
Seriously though, why does spring break always go by so fast? Now it's back to college and the real world, and you wish you were still lying on a beach somewhere with your best friends.
16. When you finally check your bank account.
You have been dreading this moment, and maybe you've already been back in reality for a few days before you can muster up the courage to see how much money you have left. You finally check, and you're almost feeling relieved until you realize there's a negative sign in front of those numbers. Deep breaths. A week in the sun with your favorite people is worth it.