16 Spring And Summer Trends For 2017 | The Odyssey Online
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16 Spring And Summer Trends For 2017

Sixteen fashion trends you need to know about!

16 Spring And Summer Trends For 2017
Jessica Paige Hunter

With each new season comes a new wave of trends. Here’s the run-down of what’s taking the fashion world by storm this spring and summer!

  1. Greenery Designs: This detail is everywhere this season! From details on dresses to throw pillows, the greenery detail is definitely popular. The pop of color and pattern is a fun way to add a hot trend to your closet!
  2. Tassel Details: This trend is something totally different than what we’ve seen in the past. This detail along a hemline is able to add a fun, flirty look to a basic dress or top. This trend will add something totally different to your wardrobe.
  3. Pink Every day: Pinks always been a popular color in the spring and summer months but we’ve definitely seen an increase in the color this season. This color is perfect for when you want something neutral like a pale dogwood pink or something like makes a statement like a hot pink. This trend is perfect for the upcoming wedding season and warmer months.
  4. Off the Shoulder: This is a trend we started to see last summer but its back in full force this season. From shirts to dresses this trend is everywhere this spring. This style allows for s fun summery look with the exposed shoulders without having too much showing.
  5. Midi-length: This is a really flattering length that we have seen come into style. This length hits right below the knee so it allows for movement while still having a breezy look.
  6. Bold Sleeves: This trend started back in the fall with bell sleeves but were seeing it roll over into the spring. From ruffle sleeves to bell sleeves to bubble sleeves this is a versatile trend that can add a fun element to any outfit.
  7. Pretty Punk: We’re seeing this trend everywhere right now! This trend involves combining girly elements with distressed elements, which results in a distressed feminine look. From combining a frilly shirt with distressed boyfriend jeans or a leather vest over a floral dress this is a trend that you can incorporate in your daily wardrobe with ease.
  8. Floral Everything: Shorts, skirts, rompers, dresses, pants, shirts everything is coming in floral this season. These fun florals are coming in prints that can be minimal or bold. The floral trend can be made into something casual or something dressy. Florals are a need in everyone’s closet this season.
  9. Athleisure: From the gym to class, this comfy but chic look is perfect for everyone who has a busy schedule. This look easily transitions from class to the grocery store to dinner with the girls.
  10. Little Lacy Things: Braletes have been in style for a while now but this trend is not going away. This season we are seeing clothes designed to worn with a bralete to add a fun detail and pop of lace.
  11. Embroidery: This is a trend that’s really new to the fashion scene this year. This trend adds a fun detail and print to a basic item. This trend is really popular on denim and dresses this season but don’t let that stop you from rocking an embroidered blouse!
  12. Oversized Basics: This trend is coming out of the athleisure trend but with a dressier spin. We have seen a huge increase in t-shirt dresses this season. This is an easy trend to incorporate into your daily style by throwing on an oversized t-shirt dress and a cute pair of flats.
  13. Revamped Rompers: Rompers came onto the style scene back in the 1970’s but they are back with a new look. Rompers can incorporate other hot trends such as off the shoulder or fun floral prints. Plus, this trend is super easy to rock because you don’t have to worry about pairing anything else with it! Just throw on a pair of strappy sandals and go!
  14. Camo Clothing: This army inspired trend is taking the fashion world by storm this spring. This look is perfect to throw on with a pair of distressed jeans and sneakers.
  15. Denim on Denim: Jean jackets are back people. Jean jackets are perfect for those spring and summer nights when you need something to throw on over your strappy tank top
  16. Summer Layers: This trend allows for a lot of different styles to be combined to reflect your personal style! From throwing a button down over a T-shirt to adding a duster cardigan to a sundress this trend is very versatile and easy to make it into your own! This trend is perfect for chilly summer nights!
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