Ah, Stockton. The beginning of this semester has reminded us all of what it truly means to be an Osprey. If you attended Stockton, whether you're a freshman or a super senior, chances are you identify with at least one of these statements.
1. Parking is impossible
It's cliche, but it's also Stockton. Everyone knows about Stockton's parking, or at least its lack thereof.
2. You're accustom to frequent and drastic temperature changes
Whether it's transitioning from the outside summer heat into the freezing academic buildings, or from the freezing hallway into a boiling B Wing - you know well enough to bring your layers.
3. Your email box is blowing up constantly
Every time you check your phone you probably have at least one new email from Stockton.
4. You've said "Hi, I have a package in zone..."
Whether you're picking up the books you waited far too long to order, or are getting a care package, the mail room is a a part of your identity at Stockton.
5. You've posted at least one picture by/with/of Lake Fred on social media
Lake Fred is one of nature's greatest beauties, and one of the most popping Instagram spots on campus.
6. You're far too familiar with awkwardness that is "Ships and Sailors" or "Ride That Pony"
Welcome Week was full of ice breakers, the most notorious of the bunch being Ride That Pony, where you are encouraged to grind on strangers.
7. You've awkwardly encountered random people singing in the hallway
8. You see the same people in the hallway 50 times a day, but neither of you are sure if you should say "hi"
This school is pretty small, so almost everyone looks familiar - making you extremely unsure whether or not to smile and wave.
9. Good looking people come in droves
Attractive people travel in packs. Does this even need any further explanation?
10. You were once, or have encountered, a freshman with a lanyard
Sure, having your ID hanging around your neck is the most convenient thing in the world, but it will also get you beat up, ya noob.
11. You still don't know how to react to people tabling
To make eye contact or not to make eye contact - that is the question.
12. You have a love/hate relationship with the Wi-fi
The constant connecting and disconnecting drains your phone battery and your patience.
13. You've wanted to cry over the length of the Dunkin'/Bean's List Line
Coffee is love. Coffee is life. Sometimes you just need it, but can't wait on that hour long line.
14. You've struggled to pronounce Au Bon Pain
So french. Such difficult.
15. You've struggled to decide what to eat on the weekends
16. N Wing food has rocked your world and your stomach
This isn't your mama's cooking, and it definitely takes some time to get used to it.