Fellow Arizonians, we are a special breed. We endure drastic heat conditions and continue to endure the Arizona sun even in the midst of "winter." While other places have snow up to their roofs, desert folk enjoy the crisp, "less-hot" air. Rain in a glorious occurrence and we live for double-digit days here in the desert. But you truly can tell you're an Arizonian if...
1. You can speak Mexican food
What does "Enchilada con queso" mean? The answer is; pure heaven with cheese mi amigos. Plus you probably know the best Mexican food joints in town.2. You might have a spare pair of oven mitts in your car
3. You know what a haboob is
4. You don't really know how daylight savings works
What is that foreign language? Why is every other state so tired? How does one save daylight?5. You know what the "snowbird struggle" is
Brace yourselves, we're in the midst of "Snowbird Season."6. You might be an awful driver in the rain.
Rain is such a rare occurrence, us Arizonians simply do not know how to tactfully drive in the rain! Also, you probably don't use your blinker, but kudos to you if you do because you're a rare breed.7. Your iPhone has revealed the "top secret message" to you
Also known as the temperature warning.8. You throw around the phrase, "it's a dry heat" like confetti.
9. Your family probably does not own a lawn mower
And if you do, again, kudos to you. Taking care of grass (or any vegetation) here is a chore. And no, you can't mow rocks.10. You've almost hit, seen, or heard of a burro
Not a "bean burro" but I'm proud of you for catching on to sign #1. We're talking about wild donkeys, and I'm not kidding.11. You know that any day under 100 degrees is beautiful day
In the midst of the summer heat, us Arizonians dream of double digit weather.
12. You dream of Flagstaff