It’s a small town with lots of farms and cornfields, hometown pride, and hidden treasures. Whether you grew up in Wapak, or you have lived here at any time in your life, there are some things that you can relate to that other people just don’t understand. (If you still don't know how to say it, watch this quick video.)
1. When spelling Wapakoneta, you always think about the little chant with hand clapping you used in elementary school when you first learned to spell it.
2. You have to try to explain where Wapak is by using Lima since it's the only remotely large city that others might have a chance of knowing.
3. You never get stuck in traffic, but you've been late to school, work, and other events because of a train stopped on the tracks that run straight through the middle of town.
4. Friday night football games were the place to be during the fall, and of course everyone went to the gazebo party afterward to celebrate the win.
5. You have to explain to people what the "giant white golf ball" is that can be seen from I-75.
6. You got to go to the high school as an eighth grader and you thought it was the coolest thing ever.
7. El Azteca has been and will always be the best Mexican restaurant you’ll visit. Nothing beats the good food and hot plates.
8. People are really confused when you tell them that the "Rock Garden" is a popular hangout place for Wapakonetians.
9. You love and hate every other school in the WBL because they're our biggest rivals but you want them to win when they aren't playing you.
10. School has been cancelled for fog and extremely cold wind chills, yet snow usually doesn't seem to be a problem.
11. We take serious pride in the fact that Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, was born and raised in Wapakoneta. When people don't know who Neil Armstrong is, you're actually a little offended.
12. The Summer Moon Festival is the only place you can go to watch bed races and weiner dog races.
13. The epitome of senior year is climbing on top of the concession stand in the cafeteria to sign the tee-pee (without getting caught, of course).
14. You have to drive at least 30 minutes to go to a mall or to shop somewhere that isn't Wal-Mart, but you'll drive even further to get to a bigger and better shopping center.
15. The fight song will forever be ingrained in your brain, and you've probably only sang the alma mater once (which was on graduation day).
16. The Redskins will always have a special place in your heart no matter where you go.
It's the little things that we remember most about growing up here, and that's why we love it so much.