College is hard. It's harder if you're single. The angsty pressure of being in a relationship can be tough, especially freshman year or around formal season. Few people are lucky enough to find "the one", but for those that do, if your S.O. is also your BFF, life is pretty awesome. Except when you find yourself too comfortable with each other, in which case things can get downright weird.
Here's some signs that day is coming.
1. You like all the same food.
2. Your appreciation for napping is mutual.
3. At the end of a crappy day, your S.O. is the quickest to fix it.
4. You take one another's side in an argument with other friends.
5. You find your boyfriend/girlfriend attractive, even with no makeup, pizza breath, and an acne mask on.
6. Showering becomes an option, not a necessity (but really, please wash dat body).
7. Working out is actually tolerable together.
8. TV series become shared, and if one person skips ahead it is like breaking the law.
9. Any '60s – '80s song that comes on the radio is mutually understood to be sung, as loud as you possibly can.
10. You don't mind sharing clothes. *~cute n comfy~*
11. Dinner isn't always on the guy's tab. You both understand the difference between a fancy date and a pizza to go.
12. You don't have to spend every minute together.
13. Mealtime is something you can do together, but when all else fails (literally) cold sandwiches are just as delicious.
14. No judgement is passed if one person acts like a fool at the bar, and you can laugh it off the next day.
15. You can understand each other's sassy looks and know when to stop teasing.
16. He will always respect your obsession with pasta, pizza and all things Beyonce, even if the feeling isn't mutual.