Having a puppy or a doggy is one of the greatest joys in the world. One that we should NEVER take for granted. Remember to appreciate your dog, because they love you, more than anyone in the world.
1. Dogs love everyone, until given a reason not to.
2. They get excited over the little things in life.
Have you held a treat in your hand while your little pup danced around you? Or walked to the door, as your doggo jumped around in excitement? The enjoyment and happiness dogs endure is so pure. At the end of the day: our dogs may stay at home all day, but they would probably say that their day was AMAZING. If we stay at home all day, we would say it was boring.
3. Dogs love unconditionally.
4. They only live in the present.
They don't remember that time you accidentally stepped on their tail, forgot them in the garage, left them for a vacation or sent them to the groomers. They live the day, not thinking about yesterday or tomorrow. Every moment is a new adventure for them.
5. Dogs pull off the cutest costumes.
Lets just say, Halloween is ALWAYS more fun when you have a dog dressed by your side.
6. Every time you come home, you feel pretty amazing.
There is no better feeling than coming home from a long day at work or a tiring day at school and being greeted by your dog. The licking, jumping and hugging is the best way to be greeted. The amazing thing about dogs is that they are not afraid to show you how much they love their people. Unlike family and friends, dogs have no idea where you are and when you are coming back, but they still love you so much.
7. Dogs are the best workout buddy.
8. They are even greater cuddle buddies.
Whether its using your Golden Retriever as a pillow, or petting your little yorkie as he/she rests his head on your stomach, there is something special about that bond between dogs and humans. The warmth of their bodies and the happiness in their hearts can really make for a good night's sleep and for a happier mood.
9. Dogs are so very loyal.
10. Dogs will watch TV with you.
Dogs simply enjoying spending time with their humans. They will help you binge watch your favorite TV show. Dogs are the best to do this with, because they do not interrupt you with annoying comments and they don't hog the remote.
11. Dogs share your love for food.
Forget about cuddling when there is any food out. If all dogs have one common trait, it is that they have some serious determination when it comes to watching you eat, hoping that any second, you accidentally drop an entire slice for them. My 12 pound dog once hid 6 slices of my pizza; but props to him, that took a lot of determination.
12. Dogs are the best listeners.
You can talk to your dog for hours, or you don't even have to talk at all. They can sense when you are sad and will be there to comfort you through it all.
13. They reduce stress
Do you know why many colleges bring puppies to the campus for college students? Because dogs are clinically shown to reduce stress. That is because playing or petting an animal can increase levels of the stress-reducing hormone oxytocin and decrease production of the stress hormone cortisol.
14. Your dog helps you live a funny, spontaneous life.
You never really know what to expect. One day your dog may hide your shoes and the next they may leave you a surprise on the carpet. Even when he/she is bad, it is very hard to get angry at them, because everything a Dog does is funny and cute.
15. Every dog has an individual personality.
Every dog has its own quirk and traits. Some dogs are dominant, some are mischievous and some are full on batshit crazy; but that is why we love our dogs. A dog's personality drives the connection between owner and dog.
16. Your dog will protect you with their whole life.
Your dog will bark at anything within seeing distance from the house. To all the little puppies and big doggies in the world, thank you for saving us from death every single night. We appreciate the concern, but I promise you if I have a friend over, and if I let them in the house, they are not going to harm us.