The rift between cat-people and dog-people has been continuously expanding for decades. Friendships are torn apart, marriages ruined all over the rivalry between canine and feline lovers. Myself, I am both a cat and a dog person (yes that is possible), but for some, it's difficult to understand why. Why on earth would you want to be a cat person? Well, here are just a few reasons.
1. They are so fluffy.
Unless you have one of those weird hairless cats, who wouldn't be happy snuggling a big ball of fluff? So what if you end up with some in your mouth?
2. They are assholes that you can't help but love.
Cats are assholes, plain and simple. The level in which they show it, however, (ranging from demon cat to the irregularly rude offender) may differ. You kind of have to love that though because don't we all sometimes act like a cat?
3. They are intuitive, just like dogs.
Even though they're jerks, a cat knows when you're sick, hurt or sad and will decide to give you that little bit of love you so crave. But just a little.
4. They know the best way to press your buttons.
Tell a cat not to do something? They most certainly will do that something, and hopefully it's more amusing than aggravating.
5. They're basically liquids.
Vase? Check. Egg carton? Check. Shoes? Check and check.
6. They are self-entertaining.
That bug? Woah. That moving spot of sunlight? Oh, hell no. That piece of lint? Snack time. That box their lovely new bed came in? It's a palace.
7. Their paws are the cutest and softest things ever.
Cat and kitten paws are one of the softest (and most ticklish) parts a cat has to offer. When the claws are retracted of course.
8. Their bouts of purring can cure just about everything.
I would give anything to bottle up the sound and feeling of a cat purring, just to save it for a particularly bad day.
9. They are portable mini space heaters.
Small enough to not crush a lung (usually), but big enough to keep you in a sufficient state of warm. Or they might just overheat you.
10. They're so incredibly smart, unless they're being stupid.
No, you really didn't need to head-butt the mirror, it's not an intruding cat. No, that plant was not your dinner.
11. They can climb almost anything.
How exactly did you get on top of the door? The shower curtain? The drapes? The ceiling?
12. They spawn little balls of sunshine.
Kittens are a gift we do not deserve, but are beyond appreciated.
13. They can make friends with any other animal, if they want to.
Dogs, deer, goats, owls, lizards, mice, tortoises, bunnies, horses, kangaroos, etc., the list seems endless and with each addition to it, our feels go crazy.
14. They get high on catnip.
This one needs no explanation, just Google "cats high on catnip" and all your sorrows will vanish before the spastic, fluffy 'monsters' cats turn into.
15. Even when they don'twant to love you, you can't help but love them.
It doesn't matter that you want to give him / her some love. If they don't want it, they'll be sure to let you know.
16. You can never have just one.
You may be letting out your inner "Crazy Cat Lady," but how can you have just one, it would be lonely! Having just two is OK, but add a third and it's a party! Soon you'll be the new crazy cat lady in town, just like Taylor Swift (...or my mom).