1. 1912 - Rose Schneiderman
In "Working Women and the Vote "....
"We want to work like human beings; we want to work for the welfare of the community."
"Workers are the ones that have to carry civilization on their backs."
"I assure you, chivalry is dead."
2. 1922 - Margaret Sanger
In "The Need for Birth Control"
"Birth control is an ethical necessity...because it places in our [women's] hands a new instrument of self-realization. It gives us control."
"Women have been so degraded that they have been habituated to look upon themselves through the eyes of men."
3. Inez Sauer and Sybil Lewis
In "Experience of Wartime Working Women"
"I knew there were things you could use your mind for."
"I did something that was against the grain, but I did it and I'm glad."
"This was the beginning of women's feeling that they could do something more."
4. 1963 - Betty Friedan
In the "Feminine Mystique"
"Woman is seen only in terms of her sexual role, the barrier to the realization of her full potential."
"It is ridiculous to tell girls to keep quiet when they enter a new field, or an old one, so the men will not notice they are [there]."
"Some women in their forties and fifties still remembered painfully giving up those dreams, but most of the younger women no longer even thought about them."
5. 1965 - Casey Hayden and Mary King
In "Feminism and the Civil Rights Movement"
"Many women...give themselves up to that caricature of what a woman is - unthinking, pliable, an ornament to please the man."
"Most men...are probably too threatened...perhaps because they have recently broken away from a matriarchal framework under which they ay have grown up."
6. 1995 - Betty Friedan
In "Beyond Gender"
"We won't have our masculinity to prove."
"From the moment they are born...[women] are expected to be, rather than achieve."
"But while he was hunting, women built houses, tilled the fields, and perfected language."