Major spoiler alerts for this horror movie! I liked this movie (even more than "Get Out"), but there are some questions I just can't get out of my head.
1. Is this cloning going on in just this part of America?
Is this a Santa Cruz thing or something much bigger?
2. Was it a coincidence that this revolution took place the same night Adelaide returns to her family’s summer home?
Why did the tethered (the cloned humans) decide to wreak havoc on this exact night?
3. How did the tethered know who their natural-born counterparts were married to and had kids with?
If they lived underground their whole lives with no contact to the outside world, how were they able to figure out who to pair up with? How did Adelaide and Gabe's clones, Red and Abraham, know to get together and have kids? Sure, genetic copying can clone a person, but can they clone their familial relationships?
4. Did Adelaide have an idea all along that she and Red swapped lives years ago?
She has this revelation in the very last scene of the film. But has she really suppressed this incident from the time it took place, or did she have a feeling all along?
5. Does Adelaide's son, Jason, know her secret?
As the family drives off in the final scene, Jason seems to notice how Adelaide smiles oddly. His face seems as if he suspects something. He puts his mask back on. Does he know something?
6. Why were the tethered compelled to act the same exact way their natural-born counterparts did? How did they get the clothing their counterparts wore?
How did Red know to dance at the same exact time as when Adelaide was dancing? Where did Red get the ballet outfit from? These small details really bothered me.
7. How did Jason’s clone, Pluto, get that burn on his face? And why does he act like a dog?
Can this scar be a foreshadowing of his fiery death? Also, is this a connection to Jason mentioning he wanted a dog earlier in the movie?
8. Why do the tethered have weird powers if they’re just humans who were born underground?
Sure, they may act a little weird because they've lived underground their whole lives. But why do some of them seem to have super strength?
9. How were the tethered able to track down their natural-born counterparts?
It was as if they had a GSP tracking their counterparts because they knew exactly where to find them.
10. Why was Jason the first member of the family to see a tether?
Why did a tether make sure to show himself to Jason? Why not scare Adelaide?
11. How long has this been going on for?
Some of the tethered, like the tether with "11:11" scratched on his forehead, looked pretty old.
12. What’s up with that all of those 11:11 coincidences?
On the night Adelaide encounters Red, she passes a man holding a "Jeremiah 11:11 sign". In this passage of the Bible, Jesus says: "I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape". The invasion happens at 11:11 PM. Also, at the very end of the film, as the family rides away in the ambulance, the truck has "1111" written on the very top. Does this mean the horrors aren't over?
13. Is this story an allegory for poverty in America?
As Red gave her speech to the Wilsons, the first thing I thought was: "This is most definitely an allegory for Americans in poverty". I got this feeling because of the whole story she told and the way the told it (comparing all the ways her life lacked the success, beauty, and happiness of Adelaide's life).
14. Is the government behind this? How did they get DNA from people?
In the car at the very beginning of the movie, Zora mentions something about the government putting fluoride in drinking water in order to control our brains. Is this a hint?
15. Why was Adelaide so upset when Pluto burned, while he just tried to set her whole family on fire?
Maybe she's just a compassionate person and doesn't like to see children suffer. Who knows.
16. Will there be a sequel (or prequel)?
This horror lover will surely watch!