In the beginning of every relationship, there's always going to be those hesitations because no one wants to waste time with someone that they won't spend forever with. However, once you start to grow in your relationship with them, you start to reach moments that mean so much more than just what they are. These are actually milestones that are proving that you have found the love of your life.
1. The first "I love you."
I'm not talking about your actual first "I love you," I'm talking about the one where you thought about it afterwards and got a fuzzy, butterfly feeling inside where you know for a fact you really meant it and you wanted nothing more but to keep saying it because, well, you're in love!
2. The first fart.
It may not be romantic at all, but this totally means that you're getting comfortable in the relationship, which is pretty awesome because this now means you don't have to give yourself gas pains from holding them in so long.
3. When they're meeting the family.
This is a huge deal that could make or break your relationship. What if your family doesn't like your new bf/gf? What if your bf/gf doesn't like your family? It's not only your immediate family, it's also the girlfriends/boyfriends and the extended family. Is your s/o going to hate your brother's girlfriend just as much as you do? Is he also going to think your Aunt is one of the coolest people ever? These are important questions, people.
4. When they talk about their goals in life, and you're included.
It's one thing to talk about what you want out of life , but it's another thing when they talk about it and start including you. For example, talking about the future "While I'll be doing this, you'll be doing this and soon we'll be doing that..." This absolutely is something that leaves you confident in your relationship because you now know they see you in their future!
5. The moments after a fight.
The first fight of course is a big deal in itself, but the moment that actually matters is after the fight, no matter what number fight it is. If you guys can talk about what just happened and bounce back to normal, you've turned this moment into a milestone and you should congratulate yourself because this is huge! You care enough about each other not to give up and run away, that's awesome!
6. When you become friends with each other's friends.
Your bf/gf's friends obviously mean a lot to them, so if your bf/gf actually see you guys bonding, it will make their lives so much better. Their friends helped them become who they are, these are people that have a very special spot in your bf/gf's heart, so if you can make friends with them and fit in like one of the boys/girls, you've reached a crucial milestone.
7. When you start to talk about your future lives.
Maybe they want more kids than you do, or you want a small cabin house with a lot of land and they want a big cabin house on the river. Talking about your future together in a serious matter just goes to show that you're ready to take that on, you're planning your lives together without even realizing it.
8. When you're talking and hanging with their family while they're not there.
Whether your s/o just went to the bathroom or they're running errands, being able to keep conversation and feel comfortable with their family is so important! Trust me, our bf/gf will definitely admire it and you will without a doubt start feeling like a part of their family, and that's an amazing feeling.
9. When your own family starts missing them.
It's one thing for you to miss your bf/gf, that's typical. However, when your family starts to mention about how they haven't seen them in a while, or where they've been, it means they care about your s/o.
10. When you're finally completely comfortable around them.
One of the more terrifying things in the beginning of the relationship is making sure your s/o doesn't see you as anything less than perfect. Once you get comfortable, you let yourself be your most natural you and it is the most comforting feeling to be able to be your purest self with no hesitation around your bf/gf and them still be hella heart eyes for you.
11. When you can just comfortably belt your heart out, or dance to your favorite song like there's no tomorrow and they join in!
It's like your own little concert!
12. When you start watching a show together.
there's basically an unspoken rule that you can't continue to watch the rest of the series without them, even as much as it may kill you, you have to wait for them. This is super important because it tests the trust in the relationship and if you pass, you're in luck.
13. When you guys can start talking to each other without actually talking to each other.
If you can look at each other randomly and you're able to read each other's expressions, you've basically reached a whole new level of communication in the relationship. That's pretty cool.
14. When you're about to make a decision, and you hear their voice in the back of your head talking you through it.
This is pretty serious if you ask me, if you think of them and what they would say before you make a choice you obviously care a lot about what they think about you, it's actually pretty adorable.
15. When you start picking up each other's slang.
It doesn't have to be actual slang words, but once one of you start picking up on what the other says, that's just the start of you two becoming one.
16. When you actually admit it!!!
When you've found the one, this is something you're constantly going to want to tell them, that they're the one for you. This is also something you're going to want everyone else to know! Hence why people have weddings!
Being in love is an amazing thing. Once you've come to the realization that this love is for eternity, this is the person you want to grow old with, life just gets so much better. These 16 milestones don't even come close to the amount of milestones you can reach and know that you've found the one, these are just a few of many. I wish nothing but the best for everyone in finding their one true love and I hope they can experience these milestones and many more.