When I was in high school I had an English teacher named Jesse Smoulder. He was my English teacher in 10th and 12th grade. I absolutely loved going to his class. Every day was always an adventure. His class projects were always something fun.
My senior year, he gave me and my graduating class that had him for a teacher, some pieces of advice, some life rules. I always had his words in the back of my mind and the other day as I was cleaning up my stuff, getting ready to move back into school, I found his words in a notebook.
“Smoulder’s 16 Life Rules”
1. Never waste good
2. Never take things for granted
3. Never put yourself down
4. Never feel sorry for yourself
5. Appreciate the small details
6. Never miss a chance to keep your mouth shut
7. Never assume people's thoughts
8. Always clean up your own messes
9. The best way to keep a secret, keep it. The 2nd best, tell one person. There is no 3rd best.
10. Sometimes, you’re wrong
11. Never be afraid to smile
12. You can become the person you want to be
13. Remember, the darkest hour only lasts 60 minutes
14. There is no such thing as a coincidence
15. Learn from, but forgive yourself for your mistakes
16. Surround yourself with good people
And as a bonus, as I was typing this article, I remembered a video/song that Mr. Smoulder showed us on one of the last days of school. It’s by Baz Luhrmann and it's called Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen . I listen to it every time I move back into school as a great little reminder. You totally will not regret listening to it, I promise.
Also, just in case you don't know who Mr. Smoulder is, check out my cover photo! he is the man in the blue striped shirt standing next to me.
So as a little tribute / thank you to Mr. Smoulder and everything he teaches his students, this article is for him. I hope he, and his past / present students, enjoy this article. I hope I do you proud. I try my hardest every day to remind myself of these life rules and every other lesson you have instilled in all of us. Lessons about English, life, the world, and even ourselves.
Good Stuff, Smoulder. Good Stuff.