Growing up, I didn't have my older siblings to play with. So instead, my mom sent me to my grandmother's Bingo club every week to keep me occupied. I met some of the oldest but wisest people at that club, the wisest of all being my grandmother. But at that time, I was nine years old, and didn't understand the lessons they were teaching me from their mistakes. As I became closer and closer to my grandmother, I soon realized all those days playing Bingo were her fondest memories, too. Here are a few lessons my wise and wonderful grandmother taught me that might just help you in your every day life!
1. Don't name your children after yourself.
My grandmother's name is Ethel, my mother's name is Ethel, and guess who was almost named Ethel.
2. Have your doctor on speed dial.
This may refer to our future older self but you never know when you will need an extra hand.
3. Never burn a bridge.
You can't please everyone, but you can be friendly to everyone.
4. Card buddies are the best buddies.
If they are willing to play endless hours of Kings in The Corner with you, they are sure worth something!
5. Save money like it's your job.
And make sure you hide the money somewhere in the house where you will never find it again.
6. Work hard.
Nothing is given to you in life, so you better work your butt off.
7. Become BFFs with your hairdresser.
Be nice, tip well and never become enemies with your hairdresser because they control how you look for that week.
8. Respect and love your mother.
9. Smile, God loves you.
No matter how tough it gets, remember to stay positive 24/7.
10. Always have a handheld slot machine near by.
Or a deck of cards; you never know when you will need to stay occupied!
11. Don't sugar-coat anything.
There is nothing worse than a lie but beating around the bush is a close second.
12. Walmart will always be the go-to.
Yes, I am serious.
13. Always have thermal undies.
You never know when that random blizzard will strike.
14. Eat, sleep, breathe the Phillies.
It could be a tough season (like every season) but no matter what, you stick by your Phighting Phils.
15. Family is family.
You have to deal with the highs and lows of family members, and never give up on them.
16. Fifty-seven is your max age.
If anyone asks you how old you are and you are older than 60, you will always tell them you are 57.