1. Embrace who you are, no matter what others think of you
My image has become a reflection of who I am, not who I want people to perceive me. I can express myself more completely since I stopped caring so much about how people think of me, and because of that, I feel freer.
2. Time alone is essential to take care of yourself
Being alone is a time for introspection. Even if you love people as much as I do, understanding who you are is made possible by doing things by yourself.
3. Learning can be really fun
I love documentary films. I loved writing that twenty seven page paper. I love reading about current events and historical events. I do not limit my knowledge to the classes I take in school. Stay curious and get knowledgeable.
4. Surround yourself with art
Art is beautiful and inspiring, so I surround myself with it and integrate it into my life. A life without creativity feels meaningless.
5. Procrastination is NEVER worth it
I FINALLY overcame procrastination and this freed me of so much stress. I don't think I can ever regress to someone who leaves things to the last minute. Time management has changed my life and I am a much happier person because of it.
6. Spontaneity is key to a life of excitement
To make life an adventure, sometimes you have to free yourself from planning. I have made so many memories just by doing what felt right in the moment.
7. Spread positivity in the face of hate
Love trumps hate...at least for me it does. It's angering and terrifying that it isn't true for everyone. Despite this, all I can do is remain hopeful and work towards spreading positivity.
8. Do not be afraid to be outspoken
I began valuing candidness over apathy. Silence only holds you back. Being the kind of person who isn't scared to speak up shows a lot of courage. Because of my appreciation for honesty and being upfront, my tolerance for fakeness and passivity is quickly diminishing.
9. Never stop expressing yourself through creativity
I leave a piece of myself on the stage whenever I act. It is where I go for my emotional catharsis. I will not stop creating the unique and amazing environment that is able to inspire.
10. Avoid the people you dislike
I hate being fake or putting on an act and I also hate drama. The best solution for me to avoid both of these things, is to just completely remove myself from the people I dislike. Instead surround myself with positive people I can thrive off of.
11. Be friendly to everyone
Smile. Introduce yourself. Have meaningful conversations. Crack jokes. It doesn't matter who the person is, just do it.
12. "Experience does for the soul what education does for the mind."
I have traveled a lot in my lifetime, and this year was no exception. I refuse to disregard the value of internationality, and instead harp on the experiences with different cultures that shaped me into a better person.
13. Do not base your self worth off of grades
Personally, I believe grades are an affirmation of my understanding of material, and that is why I value them. I want to know that I learned and pushed myself to be a better student. They are not an cultivation of who I am as a person at all, so putting my self worth in something so futile is damaging and not worthwhile.
14. Dream big, but be mindful of reality
I work towards what is perfection to me, but understand that sometimes it isn't always reachable at first. Disappointment is inevitable, but I channel that back into pursuing what I desire. I can never dull myself down because of obstacles, but instead push harder towards my aspirations.
15. It is okay to be vulnerable
I should never hold myself back because of fear, but instead explore extreme openness to possibility in order to cultivate meaning from experiences and people.
16. Never hesitate to show your appreciation
I have so many incredible people in my life who I am beyond lucky to be surrounded by. Expressing that I love them is something worth prioritizing. They deserve to know that they are meaningful and have impacted my life in so many positive ways.