1. Your parents know what they are doing, however you don't.
They are wiser and smarter than you, and always know more. Trust their instincts. Your mom can see a fake friend before you can, and at seventeen you are actually not as smart as you think you are.
2. There is always another girl prettier than you.
Never let your worth be found in the things of this world or you will be disappointed. There is always going to be someone smarter, cooler, and hotter than you. Everyone has different gifts and talents, don't make life a competition to be better than the girl next to you.
3. Life will never go the way you expect.
Stop expecting your life to go a certain way. Expectations only lead to disappointments. Live in the moment and enjoy the beauty that comes from the mystery in life.
4. Just 'cause you can drive doesn't mean you are grown up.
Once you get your license, doesn't mean you are wise enough to take on life alone. Driving alone doesn't mean you can live life alone. Sometimes the wisest people know they don't know as much as they think.
5. Everyone is fighting their own battles.
You will always regret being mean to someone, and never regret being kind. Every person you meet, no matter how harsh has their own demons they've been fighting. Live with compassion, patience, and love.
6. Wait for your mascara to dry before blinking too much.
You'll get those annoying mascara marks underneath your eye and on your eye lid if you don't let it dry. Patience my child.
7. High School is temporary. Enjoy it, however don't find your identity in it.
The girl who only cares about her image in high school won't go far in life. It doesn't matter if you are homecoming queen, or the girl who feels invisible. You will have better days than when the jock talked to you by your locker. There is more to life than high school and Friday night.
8. Wait.
Wait to grow up, wait to send that text instead of texting while driving, wait to cross the road, and wait to trust anyone. Innocence is beautiful and I promise you'll regret more not waiting than waiting.
9. You won't ever date Justin Bieber and chances are he won't ever even know who you are.
It is okay to have crushes on celebrities, but appreciate the people around you more. They are the ones who know you more than Harry Styles knows your insecurities when he says "you don't know you're beautiful", or Justin Bieber when you pretend he wants you to be his "One Less Lonely Girl". Stop living in denial and admit you will never marry your celeb crush.
10. Enjoy your metabolism while it lasts.
One day eating five donuts in one sitting will actually cause you to gain five pounds immediately.
11. Dating a guy on the football team doesn't mean anything if he doesn't treat you right.
That goes the same for the soccer, baseball, or basketball star. Just because he's popular, doesn't mean he is worth your time. At your age it is easy to forget that there is difference is actually liking the person verses liking feeling wanted.
12. Just because your heart is broken, doesn't mean you are.
Stop blaming yourself because the guy you liked didn't treat you right. You heart will heal, you will move on, and one day you won't even remember how you met, his last name, or why you cared so much.
13. Your teachers don't get enough credit... thank them.
Your junior high and high school teacher do more than grade your papers. They truly care about you, your trials, and your dreams. You will regret not appreciating them more and you will miss them.
14. Chill with the straightener.
You are going to fry your hair if you keep straightening your hair every day. Also, a little volume doesn't hurt.
15. Your mistakes don't define you.
Just because you mess up once, doesn't mean you have to mess up again. Learn from your errors, and never forget that every day is a new chance to grow into the person you want to be. Don't spend your life looking back on your past, because if you do you'll miss the beauty God is placing in front of you.
16. Notice God in the little things.
You may never hear God's physical voice but that doesn't mean He doesn't exist. Every rainbow you see if an example of His artwork and proof that there must be a Creator to this beautiful world. Notice God in nature. your parents, you friends, and even a good chocolate shake. This world is too great to be a chemical reaction or to come from a big bang.
Life will get better. You will have days that absolutely stink, but then you will have moments of pure joy that make you forget about the boy who broke your heart, or the fact you can't seem to understand Algebra. Live with joy and in relation with the one who designed you, and I promise you will get through even the worst of days in high school.
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." -- Philippians 3:14