16 Signs You Grew Up In Issaquah
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16 Signs You Grew Up In Issaquah

Hometown pride.

16 Signs You Grew Up In Issaquah
Issaquah Times

1. You always attended the annual Salmon Days festival.

Okay yeah you can hate on small town events but if you didn’t attend the festival celebrating this beautiful fish, you missed out. Funnel cakes, garlic fries, and seeing an entire town come together to support our local salmon hatchery is almost heart-warming, waving goodbye as the salmon start their descent upstream.

2. You became part of the family at XXX Drive-In.

This family-run business located in the back of Issaquah was always a hotspot for vintage car shows, post-practice meals, and milkshakes on a hot day. Plus, who doesn't love monster cheeseburgers and rock & roll memorabilia?

3. You were intimidated as a kid by “the trail” behind the skate park.

Your parents probably didn’t want you hanging out around there but you always thought the people who did go down there were mysteriously cool (or scary) while watching from a far.

4. You silently cheered on Kenny as he flipped advertisement signs into the air, jamming out to his headphones in the middle of Issaquah.

Issaquah’s beloved “Street Kenny” still rocks those sign-flinging abilities while busting a move.

5. 24 Hour Fitness vs. Gold’s Gym.

Which side are you on?

6. You became a huge fan of basketball and lacrosse.

I am not going to pretend like we have the best football program (so calm down Skyline) but I will defend our basketball program and lacrosse programs. Never did I expect to become such a huge fan of two underdog sports. Every town has something they stand behind and the Issaquah Basketball and Lacrosse programs are it.

7. You would get down at the middle school community center dances.

*Cue Soulja Boi*

8. Playing the risky game of “DID THE SPEEDING CAMERA JUST FLASH?!” when driving near to the high school.

Because even though its says to go 20 mph, it really means go 15 or else that light will flash you get a ticket.

9. You know what “Poo Poo Point” is and you don’t laugh when people ask you if you want to hike it.

The name of the hike is funny, but the trails switchbacks sure aren’t.

10. You hate Skyline High School.

They don’t even have to do anything necessarily. Its tradition.

11. You know everyone’s family from sporting events, and school dances.

Even going to the grocery store, you’re bound to see at least your entire English class and their families.

12. You think the whole 12saquah was ridiculous.

Was it cool when the entire town got free Skittles and news attention? Yes. But realistically that whole changing the name of Issaquah to 12saquah in honor of the Seahawks going to Superbowl was a bit extra...

13. You judged the out-of-town car that tried to pump gas at the fake vintage Shell gas station downtown.

Sorry about my giggling, but when you saw the mannequin in the service window I couldn’t help myself.

14. When the whole town mourns the death of wild (but beloved) chicken that would run rapid in the town's parking lots.

R.I.P. McNugget...

15. You know who was hanging out with who on a Friday night when parking your car at Sunset Elementary School...It was a scandalous carpool tell all.

Bumper stickers and dents basically had your name written all over your car, so be careful where you go--there are eyes everywhere.

16. When you know you claim you want to leave as a teenager asap but deep down you wouldn't mind raising a future family here.

Let's face it. It's home.

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