16 Good Things That Came Out Of 2016
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16 Good Things That Came Out Of 2016

even if you didn't think there were any

16 Good Things That Came Out Of 2016

2016, I'd like to say you were the year I wanted you to be, but you just weren't. It was a tough year for everyone. A lot of things happened- as anything does in 365 days- some good, some bad. Maybe more bad than in the past, but I suppose it depends on how you look at it. Social media has made a gigantic joke about 2016 being the worst year, and we may all be acting dramatic, but the endless memes that have come from this year have it. Although it was a whirlwind of a year, some good did come out of it, and it's better to celebrate the good than dwell on the bad. So here's 16 things that 2016 got right.

1. The Cubs won the World Series.

For the first time in 108 years! There is a joy like no other when your team wins, let alone wins something that big for the first time since 1908. For Cubs fans everywhere that makes up for what 2016 lacked.

2. Millions of animals were adopted this year.

According to the ASPCA, about 2.7 million animals are adopted from shelters each year. About 2.7 million animals found a home with people who were eager to love them. If that's not good news, I don't know what is.

3. People are paying more attention to our planet.

Not only are more people making simple changes like recycling, but more people are moving towards renewable energy. The US solar industry expected a 94% increase in home solar power installations from 2015. 2016 has been a wake up call to many people about where the future of our planet is headed if we don't care for it properly, and luckily many of them are making changes to achieve a more sustainable life.

4. Patagonia made Black Friday a little more rewarding for everyone.

Patagonia donated everything they made from Black Friday sales in an effort to save the environment. They ended up donating $10 million dollars.

5. Tony Bennett turned 90.

I know a lot of people my age haven't heard of Mr. Tony Bennett, but this is absolutely crazy. He's 90 years old and still has the same youthful joy about him that some people in their 20s do. He still performs and paints; a true legend who has experienced so much life and still loves every bit of his career.


it's. About. Time.

7. J.K. Rowling released another novel.

The moment we had all been waiting for.

8. Pokemon Go.

It was a trend that passed just as fast as it came, but it was fun while it was here. It had the power to bring random strangers together (because why else would we all be walking around a college campus at night?), and remind us all of our love for childhood classics.

9. The Olympics happened again after a long four years.

Who doesn't love the Olympics? Every four years when it comes around, everything gets more interesting. There's just something about it that makes summer more fun.

10. Netflix had over 30 new original series.

Among those are Fuller House, Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life, and Stranger Things. Any bad days in 2016 were easily fixed by an unhealthy amount of binge watching. Thanks Netflix.

11. U.S. and China ratified the Paris Global Climate Agreement.

The future is looking brighter- probably because there will be less smog.

12. New music.

Between Beyonce, Kanye, Chance the Rapper, Drake, and Frank Ocean releasing new music, this year really couldn't have been that bad. Right?

13. Space Jam turned 20.

And it made a lot of people feel old, but on the plus side a bunch of cool new merchandise came out. It's like being a kid again basically.

14. Joe Biden Memes

Possibly the best thing my timeline saw all year.

15. All the times humanity proved it still had a heart.

A stranger walked into a school to pay overdue lunch fees, Best Buy employees bought someone a game console after realizing he came in to play on it every day, and 200 people attended the funeral of a World War II veteran with no family. People still have a heart, and that's a beautiful thing.

16. We've gained a year of knowledge, experience, and friendships.

Time is weird. So many thing happen in a year and you never really realize it until you look back on everything. We can learn and grow so much every single year, every single day, so good for us for thriving for another 365 days.

Here's to hoping that 2017 isn't a total train wreck.

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