As a 17-year-old, I have dreams just like everyone else, and there are many things, big and small, that I want to do and accomplish in my lifetime. I've set my goals high because all I've ever wanted was to prove to myself and show the world that I'm never giving up and I will achieve my goals no matter what. There are so many obstacles in our lives that could possibly prevent us from not reaching all of our goals, but I will do it. I have many people around me that are here to support me and help me reach the goals I've set. So, I've made my list of 16 things I want to do in my life.
1. Graduate high school after trying my hardest for the last four years.
2. Go to college and do everything I can to be successful.
3. Become a successful forensic psychologist and help someone who needs it
4. Visit at least three other countries, one being Greece.
5. Own the house of my dreams with my family.
6. Marry the man that I love and have a happy life together.
7. Have my own family and be the best mother that I could possibly be (just like my mom).
8. Learn a new language like French or Italian and then go to the country that the language came from.
9. Do something amazing for someone else, like a pay-it-forward.
10. Grow my hair out long enough so that I can donate it some day to someone who needs it.
11. Get my own dog so I can name him Bear, and he can be my best friend.
12. Make sure that my children and my family have happy lives and are well taken care of.
13. Have no regrets in what I've done with my life and the path that I've chosen.
14. Be the happiest I can be with my life and my family.
15. Be able to give my mother everything that she gave me and make her proud of who I become.
16. Complete all of these goals with diligence and determination.
Even though some of these goals are just general things that everyone wants, who wouldn't want to achieve them? I think that everyone in life has things that they want to accomplish, but sometimes, not everyone fulfills their goals so that they can be the happiest they could possibly be. I don't always understand that. In my opinion, if you want something, do not ever give up on what you want. I think that people become unhappy with life sometimes because they end up not fulfilling what they've always wanted, but I think that if you want it, you should have it.
Do not let anybody stop you from getting what you want because that will only dull your happiness and you deserve all of the happiness that you can get.